Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #60 – Fillomino

Fillomino by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between a composite mode for line/edge drawing and a number entry mode.)

Theme: Squeeze Play

Rules: Standard Fillomino rules.

Answer String: For each cell in the marked rows/columns, enter the area of the polyomino it belongs to. Start with the 7th row, followed by a comma, followed by the 9th column.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 4:30, Master = 9:00, Expert = 18:00

Note: Advice on solving this puzzle has now been posted in “Ask Dr. Sudoku #10

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other classic Fillomino and this link for more variations on Fillomino puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Fillomino puzzles to get started on.

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #59 – Isodoku

Isodoku by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Last snow of winter? This Snowflake Isodoku may not be the last snowflake to fall this winter, but it will be the last snow-based puzzle from us this year.

Rules: Standard Isodoku rules, using numbers 1-8. Some rows connect across the center of the shape by following the gray lines.

Answer String: Enter the 1st “row” on the left edge, followed by a comma, followed by the 2nd “row” on the left edge.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 5:00, Master = 8:15, Expert = 16:30

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #54 – Deficit/Surplus Sudoku

Deficit/Surplus Sudoku by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: L’s Big and Small

Rules: Combined Deficit and Surplus Sudoku rules, with some regions with fewer numbers (no repeats but one number missing) and others with more numbers (1-8 plus one repeat) than expected in a Sudoku. Use numbers from 1-8.

Answer String: Enter the 4th row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 8th row from left to right.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 4:30, Master = 7:00, Expert = 14:00

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #53 – Slitherlink

Slitherlink by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools in edgex mode where left click+drag draws lines and right click marks X’s)

Theme: Just in TIME? A hard Slitherlink puzzle from US Puzzle Team member Thomas Snyder, one of the “Answer Men” profiled in this week’s issue (subscription required).

Rules: Standard Slitherlink rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the internal loop segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:15, Master = 4:30, Expert = 9:00

Note: Advice on solving this puzzle has now been posted in “Ask Dr. Sudoku #9

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #48 – Battleship Sudoku

Battleship Sudoku by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between number placement, ship placement, and shading modes. The shading mode in gray, which numbers can be written on top of, may work better than default ship placement.)

Theme: Twister

Rules: Standard Battleship Sudoku rules.

Answer String: Enter the 2nd row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 8th row from left to right.

Time Standard: Battleship Sudoku Grandmaster = 6:30, Master = 10:30, Expert = 21:00

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #47 – Battleships

Battleships by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between ship placement and shading modes. In ship placement mode, right click gives sea, left click gives circle/square, left click and drag for rounded ships.)

Theme: The Bermuda Quadrangle? The missing radar clues will complicate the solve.

Rules: Standard Battleships rules.

Answer String: For each row from top to bottom, enter the number of the first column from the left where a ship segment appears. If the row is empty, enter 0. Enter these numbers as a single string with no separators.

Time Standard: Battleships Grandmaster = 3:45, Master = 7:00, Expert = 14:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Advice on solving this puzzle has now been posted in “Ask Dr. Sudoku #8

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #42 – Sudo-Kurve

Sudo-Kurve by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Totally Twisted: a challenging grid shape

Rules: Standard Sudo-Kurve rules.

Answer String: Enter the “row” marked A, followed by a comma, followed by the “row” marked B.

Time Standard: Sudo-Kurve Grandmaster = 9:00, Master = 15:00, Expert = 30:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Advice on solving this puzzle has now been posted in “Ask Dr. Sudoku #7

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #41 – Tapa

Tapa by Thomas Snyder

(View image directly for larger form.)


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to shift between shading mode and the composite Yajilin mode where left click marks cells, right click marks dots in cells or X’s on edges, left click+drag draws lines.)

Theme: Block Party — repeated clues in each corner.

Rules: Standard Tapa rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standard: Tapa Grandmaster = 4:30, Master = 7:30, Expert = 15:00

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #36 – Outside Sudoku

Outside Sudoku by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between Sudoku entry modes and a shading mode to mark off clues.)

Theme: Almost all in order – two double 1-9 digit pangrams and two single 1-9 digit pangrams are on the outside of this grid.

Rules: Standard Outside Sudoku rules.

Answer String: Enter the 5th column from top to bottom, followed by a comma, followed by the 9th column from top to bottom.

Time Standard: Outside Sudoku Grandmaster = 6:15, Master = 10:15, Expert = 20:30

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #35 – Skyscrapers

Skyscrapers by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Countdown!

Rules: Standard Skyscrapers rules.

Answer String: Enter the 8th row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 1st column from top to bottom.

Time Standard: Skyscrapers Grandmaster = 5:15, Master = 8:00, Expert = 16:00

Solution: PDF