E-book and Bonus Puzzle: Yajilin Battleships by Serkan Yürekli
Yajilin and Battleships are two of our favorite Loop and Object Placement puzzles, respectively. What happens when you combine them? Our new e-book Yajilin Battleships by Serkan Yürekli will show you.
We’ve included here the example puzzle from the book which is now available for purchase. We have a companion solving video if you want to see what these puzzles are sometimes like. Some other prior posts with this style from Serkan, Freddie Hand and Grant Fikes are linked.
or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to shift between Battleships placement and line drawing modes.)
Rules: Variation of Battleships and Yajilin. Place the fleet of ships in the grid so that different ships are not in adjacent cells that share an edge or corner. The grid contains internal clues (a number and an arrow) that show how many ship segments are in the indicated direction. All remaining white cells that do not contain a ship segment must be able to form a single loop, as in a Yajilin puzzle.