Araf by Grant Fikes

Araf by Grant Fikes


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between a composite mode for line/edge drawing and a shading mode.)

Theme: Brackets

Author/Opus: This is the 386th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Grant Fikes.

Rules: Standard Araf rules.

Difficulty: 1.5 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 1:00, Master = 1:15, Expert = 2:30

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for more Araf puzzles on this website. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Araf Puzzles to get started on. More Araf puzzles can be found in the ebook Araf by Serkan Yürekli.

Sunday Update and Solutions

Our most recent week of puzzles featuring Sudoku and variations is gathered in this PDF and the solutions are in this PDF. More Sudoku puzzles can be found in our e-store here.

The daily solution videos are on the posts and linked below:

Around next Sunday we’ll be releasing Grandmaster Puzzles Quarterly Volume 5 and this upcoming week of web puzzles will feature each of the six genres from that collection. We’ll also be having a Sunday Stumper next week that is a twist on one of these six styles. Happy puzzling!

Outside Sudoku by Ashish Kumar

Outside Sudoku by Ashish Kumar


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between Sudoku entry modes and a shading mode to mark off clues.)

Author/Opus: This is the 99th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Ashish Kumar.

Rules: Standard Outside Sudoku rules: Insert a number from 1 to 9 into each cell so that no number repeats in any row, column, or bold region. Some numbers are given outside the grid. These numbers must appear in the first three cells in the corresponding direction.

Difficulty: 4 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 6:00, Master = 10:45, Expert = 21:30

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for more Outside Sudoku puzzles. More Outside Sudoku puzzles can be found in Masterpiece Sudoku Mix 4.

Sudoku by R. Kumaresan

Sudoku by R. Kumaresan


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Triangles

Author/Opus: This is the 6th puzzle from guest contributor R. Kumaresan.

Rules: Standard Sudoku rules.

Difficulty: 3.5 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 6:30, Master = 9:00, Expert = 18:00

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for other classic Sudoku. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Sudoku to get started on. More classic Sudoku puzzles can be found in The Art of Sudoku, The Art of Sudoku 2 and in our beginner-friendly collection Intro to GMPuzzles by Serkan Yürekli.

Arrow Sudoku by Zoltán Horváth

Arrow Sudoku by Zoltán Horváth


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Up and Down

Author/Opus: This is the 17th puzzle from guest contributor Zoltán Horváth.

Rules: Standard Arrow Sudoku rules.

Difficulty: 3 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:30, Master = 5:15, Expert = 10:30

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for more Arrow Sudoku. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Arrow Sudoku to get started on. More Arrow Sudoku puzzles can be found in The Art of Sudoku 2 and Masterpiece Sudoku Mix 3.

Sudoku by JinHoo Ahn

Sudoku by JinHoo Ahn


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Winding Road

Author/Opus: This is the 54th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster JinHoo Ahn.

Rules: Standard Sudoku rules.

Difficulty: 2.5 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:30, Master = 3:15, Expert = 6:30

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for other classic Sudoku. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Sudoku to get started on. More classic Sudoku puzzles can be found in The Art of Sudoku, The Art of Sudoku 2 and in our beginner-friendly collection Intro to GMPuzzles by Serkan Yürekli.

Tight Fit Sudoku by Wei-Hwa Huang

Tight Fit Sudoku by Wei-Hwa Huang


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between Sudoku = big entries and Number candidate = small entries in the corners of cells.)

Theme: X

Author/Opus: This is the 3rd puzzle from guest contributor Wei-Hwa Huang.

Rules: Standard Tight Fit Sudoku rules. Remember, the smaller number goes above the larger number in all slashed cells. The range of this puzzle is 1-10.

Difficulty: 2.5 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:00, Master = 3:30, Expert = 7:00

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for other Tight Fit Sudoku puzzles on this website. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Tight Fit Sudoku to get started on. More Tight Fit Sudoku can be found in our beginner-friendly collection Intro to GMPuzzles by Serkan Yürekli, in The Art of Sudoku 2, and in Masterpiece Sudoku Mix 5: Tight Fit Sudoku.

Sudoku by Thomas Snyder

Sudoku by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Low to High

Author/Opus: This is the 421st puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.

Rules: Standard Sudoku rules.

Difficulty: 1.5 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 1:20, Master = 1:45, Expert = 3:30

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for other classic Sudoku. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Sudoku to get started on. More classic Sudoku puzzles can be found in The Art of Sudoku, The Art of Sudoku 2 and in our beginner-friendly collection Intro to GMPuzzles by Serkan Yürekli.

Sunday Update and Solutions

Our most recent week of puzzles featuring Pentominoes is gathered in this PDF and the solutions are in this PDF.

The daily solution videos are on the posts and linked below:

This next week will feature three Classic Sudoku puzzles and three variants.

Tetro-Pentopia (Transparent) by Prasanna Seshadri

Tetro-Pentopia by Prasanna Seshadri

(view directly for a larger image)


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools).

Theme: Unique Groups

Author/Opus: This is the 241st puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Prasanna Seshadri.

Rules: Variation of Pentopia rules: Place some of the given polyominoes in the grid so that no polyominoes are in adjacent cells that share an edge or corner. Polyominoes cannot repeat in the grid; rotations and reflections of a polyomino are considered the same shape. The arrow clues indicate all the directions (up, down, left, and right) where the nearest polyominoes are located when looking from that square, ignoring the clue cell itself. Polyominoes can sit on the clue cells.

Difficulty: 4 stars

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 6:30, Master = 12:15, Expert = 24:30

Solution: PDF and solving video.

Note: Follow this link for more Pentopia puzzles and this link for other puzzles involving Pentominoes.