2022 Book Release Schedule

I wanted to start some of our 2022 updates for the year by sharing this draft schedule for our books, with most detail set for the first six months of the year. We are continuing our Grandmaster Puzzles Quarterly and Masterpiece Sudoku Mix series that we launched in 2021, and also starting a new, accessible puzzle series of “Starter Packs” for people to get into some of our different logic styles. In the same style as the Intro to GMPuzzles books, these Starter Packs will contain ~30 puzzles for ~$1.50 and all puzzles are from 1-2.5 stars in approximate difficulty. Eventually, as we release these books, we will also rebuild the web flow for these styles so that there is a way besides the “blog” to learn about the puzzles, how to use Penpa, and so on.

Book list:
1. Shading Variety Collection by Prasanna Seshadri (January)
2. Starter Pack 1: Fillomino by Grant Fikes (February)
3. Masterpiece Sudoku Mixes 5 and 6 (Tight Fit Sudoku and Consecutive Pairs Sudoku) (early March)
4. Grandmaster Puzzles Quarterly 3 featuring Thermo-Sudoku, Skyscrapers, Battleships, Cross the Streams, Kuromasu, Balance Loop (late March)
5. Starter Pack 2: Tapa by Serkan Yürekli (April)
6. Slitherlink and Variations 2 (April)
7. Tapa and Variations 3 (May)
8. Starter Pack 3: TomTom by Thomas Snyder (June)
9. Grandmaster Puzzles Quarterly 4 featuring Even/Odd Sudoku, Japanese Sums, Minesweeper, Nurikabe, Pentominous, Castle Wall (late June)
10. Masterpiece Sudoku Mixes 7 and 8 (July)
11. Starter Pack 4: Slitherlink by Takeya Saikachi (late July/early August)
12. Loop Variety Collection 2 (August)
13. Grandmaster Puzzles Quarterly 5 (September)
14. TBD title (October)
15. Starter Pack 5: Star Battle by JinHoo Ahn (October)
16. TBD title (November)
17. Starter Pack 6: Jigsaw Sudoku by Thomas Snyder (December)
18. Grandmaster Puzzles Quarterly 6 (December)

The eighteen book schedule is ambitious but lets us diversify the kinds of titles and different puzzles we are publishing while also taking up new goals like getting Penpa/digital solving forms of these by sometime this year.

Not on the “official” list, but part of projects I am working on separately, are releases containing our old patron puzzles including our “Giant” puzzles, starting a Giants annual book, and rereleasing some of my older books of sudoku variants and TomTom puzzles. There is also a very different but interesting puzzle collection book that has been stuck in editing that we hope to get out.

Paired with this schedule, we have also started to look at how easily we can set up a “subscription” in our book store to automatically release these titles to people who want to have all books in a given series like GPQ or who want all books that we publish.

Best of 2021: Number Placement

Here are our best Number Placement puzzles of 2021 selected from the 58 web posts in this category based on FAVE votes, web comments, and tester comments. All of these puzzles are gathered in this PDF file.

Some of the best puzzles start with a simple premise, and Grant Fikes’ TomTom (Twins) that duplicates clue values — but doesn’t share those values except for the cage signs — was an enjoyable puzzle concept from last year and one of our Best of 2021 puzzles.

TomTom by Grant Fikes

Another idea of duplication, this time within clue entries, led to this challenging Kakuro (Duplicate) by Thomas Snyder, “Nothing Unusual to See Here”.

Kakuro (Duplicate) by Thomas Snyder

2021 brought a new contributing puzzlemaster to the site in JinHoo Ahn, who constructed several of the best puzzles of the year. In this category, two of his Skyscrapers puzzles got a lot of attention. First was this easier (but unusual) Skyscrapers called “Triplets”.

Skyscrapers by JinHoo Ahn

Getting even more votes and tying for our best number placement puzzle of 2021 was this Skyscrapers (Cipher) puzzle also by JinHoo Ahn with a compass direction theme in the letter clues and an interesting logical path to follow as well.

Skyscrapers (Cipher) by JinHoo Ahn

Sharing the top billing for Best Number Placement puzzle of 2021 is this Japanese Sums by Prasanna Seshadri. While not yet a regular style for the site, we are seriously considering adding in this genre to the site after seeing a few creative Japanese Sums puzzles during this year including this “Stopped on the Way Back” theme with increasing number series clues.

Japanese Sums by Prasanna Seshadri

Sunday Update and Solutions

Our past week of SUM-mer puzzles (Smashed Sums and Japanese Sums) is collected in this PDF and the solutions are in this PDF.

The daily solution videos are on the posts and linked below:

This next week will feature a set of Cipher variations across six different styles.

Sunday Update and Solutions

Our past week of Minesweeper puzzles is collected in this PDF and the solutions are in this PDF. There are more Minesweeper puzzles in a section from the Art of Puzzles 2 e-book in our store.

The daily solution videos are on the posts and linked below:

This next week will feature a “SUM-mer” mix of arithmetic with Smashed Sums and Japanese Sums puzzles.

WPC 2018 – Playoffs

You can read prior posts from my old livejournal, long before this championship, to have my opinion on playoffs. At some tournaments, like this one, the overall top solver can be clear from the individual rounds. And in the past I have been the top solver over the entire competition before the playoffs. But I’ve never been #1 after the playoffs. Rather than adjudicate the past and if there should be playoffs, I will accept the rules as they are and tell you the story of how the final ranking shaped out with a very dramatic play-offs almost fit for tv.

For these playoffs, the four competitors were in a separate room, with cameras above their desks, while everyone else could listen with commentary elsewhere. Videos are available on the official site. [I will annotate the official Finals broadcast.]

Quarterfinals and Semifinals

First was a quarterfinal with two hiccups, but that ultimately had Nikola Zivanovic in 7th advance over 8, 9, 10. The first hiccup was a Spiral Galaxies with two solutions, having eight cells chained together that are not uniquely specified. Lots of solvers turned it in but no one was accepted as correct. So the round stopped after that second puzzle, replacements were found, and it restarted. One of those replacements was a Skyscrapers Battleship puzzle with the exact same grid that had appeared in the main competition. Although no one solving in the quarterfinal remembered it, the audience knew something was wrong. After all three puzzles were completed first by Nikola, a coaches huddle followed and the other competitors agreed to accept the result despite potential of memory of the puzzle from before. Having watched all solvers, each taking 3.5-4 minutes on this grid, no one seemed to be using prior experience here. But again it is not good to have errors in the playoffs.

So the organizers held an extended break and checked the puzzles upcoming much harder before going forward. The Semifinals featured Ulrich Voigt, Kota Morinishi, my US teammate Walker Anderson, and Nikola Zivanovic. Over four puzzles, Kota and Ulrich were neck and neck through a Single Block and a Futoshiki but both got stalled by Loop Around Pentominoes. Nikola was the first to get through that third Loop puzzle and seemed like he might pull the upset in the Pinnochio Fillomino final puzzle. But there was something he wasn’t seeing and the submission was incorrect. Then Nikola’s next submission was incorrect. Ulrich recovered from the tough Pentomino Loop and Walker finished close in time too to set up another group at the end. Would Nikola finally correct his grid? Would someone else starting fresh get the answer faster? Ulrich ultimately finished first. Again, the playoffs changed nothing in the order, and #1-4 would face off, but it was quite dramatic. I was happy to have not spent the energy worrying about this round. I was working through my normal music playlist to get hyper-focused, with an added 60 minute album in the middle to deal with the delays.

We were at the main event, the Finals playoffs. 35 minutes, 5 puzzles. (Although with grading, only 31 minutes functionally.) Ken Endo would start first and then after 7 minutes, Palmer Mebane, I, and Ulrich Voigt would all start about 8 seconds apart. We started with 10 possible puzzle choices but the organizers’ checking after earlier mistakes had removed the Japanese Sums option.

[1:53:45 — start from here for video]
1:54:08 — Indeed, an impressive performance from Ken Endo throughout the championship. I had “retired” before Ken Endo appeared and change the face of WPCs. Having come back and knowing how to compete close to Ulrich and Palmer (my old nemeses) gave me comfort second was possible, Ken is something else entirely and I’d need help.

1:55:15 — Puzzle selection: So Ken Endo chose first and put Nurikabe at #1 and cancelled Double Coral (highest value and highest risk?).

1:55:40 — Palmer and I had spoken some in advance (at least to call attention to styles we wouldn’t mind appearing) and we each picked puzzles we liked and the other wouldn’t mind appearing, on the higher end of possible challenge and variance. Palmer got a Regional Fillomino at #2 …

1:56:05 — … and I got a Galaxies & Tetrominoes at #3, a style from that Round 8 Dissections where I did very well. I cancelled out Clouds, which I find too lucky than logical usually, and has been a nuisance in the past.

1:56:20 — Ulrich ended up choosing an easy mathrax and eliminated another option to put another arithmetic puzzle, wrong products, at the end.

1:57:20 — Jan Novotny, the commentator, foreshadows time advantage challenge from a Coded Nurikabe in a prior WPC playoffs for Ken. Will the regular Nurikabe be lucky this time for Ken?

1:58:59 and next 3 minutes — I had no knowledge of what was taking Ken Endo so long, but sitting and waiting this definitely seemed long. Watching later on — and I must admit I haven’t seen Ken solve very much — it seems he either tripped himself up in the lower-left with the shape of the 4, or missed core constraints that force the 9 in the lower-right. At least his solve looks a lot different from the rest of ours that will be coming and could be him getting into more intuitive than logical steps due to a bad interpretation of the left side?

2:02:00 (top middle) — Throughout the championship, I had been using a blended red/blue set of TwistErase III pencils and I put them on my instruction booklet with a V orientation (V for Victory? V for Verily since the red is down and blue is up?) while waiting out my 7 minutes. The zoom out shot shows we are just being patient as this first puzzle takes Ken awhile.

2:02:30 — A messy but ultimately correct solution by Ken is turned in after three and a half minutes.

2:03:30 — Jan mentions there are two races: “Between Ken Endo and his own mistakes” and the “race for the silver medal”. I didn’t hear this at the time, but would try my best to prove it wrong.

2:04:00 — Ken Endo gets the Regional Fillomino puzzle. Note the camera does not show the bold region shapes as well as on the paper. Ken is fairly methodical at the start to get the identity of the six digits in each region and then solves a bit. Meanwhile I’m still waiting.

2:05:57 — We all get to start the Nurikabe. The first 40 seconds you get to watch Palmer working around the grid clockwise and getting most of it right except for the 11 island.

2:07:06 — By the first focused look at my grid you’ll see I went counter-clockwise but have most of the sure bits on the paper correct and also quickly get everything but the 11 island right. I do check my count more carefully and do not turn in a wrong solution. I know there is something to fix (as does Palmer).

2:07:45 — Ulrich much more methodical here.

2:08:08 — While Ken Endo finishes his second puzzle.

2:08:20 — Palmer and I both turn in the Nurikabe about the same time; technically I solved faster by 1 second but he started with a 4 second gap so is still slightly ahead for second. With 2 minutes 20 seconds roughly in the solve, we have each carved back 1.2 minutes out of the 7 we need — provided we are right.

2:08:49 — I reform the V, because why not? I’m here for Victory or at least finishing 2nd.

2:09:13 — Fascinating that Ulrich also slows himself down at the end of the Nurikabe with an extra erasable cell in the upper-left corner. Also, his shaded cells are fascinatingly precise (i.e., they only cover 1 cell and never cross over in how they get marked). Quite the contrast from the contiguous shading I did and the very messy but fast shading Ken had done.

2:09:45 — Camera focuses on Ken and the new Galaxies and Tetrominoes puzzle while Palmer and I get the Fillomino.

2:10:10 — Palmer’s first glance mostly shows the same kind of approach Ken did, identifying the set and working slowly from the top first. When I first get the puzzle, I’m fascinated by the 4’s and the fact there are 12 regions and put these large fillominoes in immediately.

2:10:42 — Because of which region borders can be crossed, this is more limiting than it could seem and when my paper is looked at this is mostly all in as my start with a small adjustment in the lower-left. The right side isn’t guaranteed (there is a second option by scooching the two 4s up).

2:11:15 — Ken has a good (but maybe too aggressive) start to the Galaxies and Tetrominoes when we look back at him. Unlike the competition puzzle there is only one outside number clue here so most of the thinking will be about unreachable cells by galaxies as I would figure out later.

2:11:55 — Steady progress by me in the zoom out, as we go back to Ken and he has erased his Galaxies start on the left (was it all a guess?) without leaving any critical logical bits.

2:12:35 — I am finished but feel confident enough to confirm the grid to spend 5-10 seconds rather than lose time with an error. I turn in the grid before the others to get into 2nd.

2:13:00 — The spreadsheet of times in the lower-left is the only thing visible in the room to us but it lets us track the others’ progress throughout the playoffs. I am gaining confidence because, if I am correct on the Fillomino, I have gained another roughly 90 seconds back on Ken Endo and am about 4.5 minutes behind.

2:13:30 — Palmer finishes a half minute behind me (not too much room for comfort) but the gap on Ulrich before the math puzzles is good. Palmer doesn’t know it, but there was a slight error on the left side of his grid where he did not complete a valid 2 polyomino.

2:13:40 – I’ve reformed the V. Ken back near the start of Galaxies but finally noticing an important constraint which I’ll talk about soon.

2:14:07 — There are some times you are smart and some times you are lucky and in this playoff I was mostly smart but also lucky. Smart in that here (as in the Fillomino), I got a meta constraint very fast that opens the full logical path. Something Ken’s intuitive approach perhaps missed. The 5 in column two (with 6 cells as options) is a heavy constraint in the puzzle. As is the fact once you focus on fulfilling this constaint, R6C1 which cannot be reached by a galaxy readily is shaded to force the rest of the column.

2:14:24 — 25 seconds into the puzzle you get to see my grid where I have everything identified there and am simply solving to the end (admittedly I shade R8C1 too early but it is a cramped grid meaning fitting all 7 shapes is tough and the “be greedy” approach of using cells most efficiently is right most of the time). I continue to then use intuition and logic to get to a solution. R2C1 is also shaded too soon, but Galaxies is always about give and take so you’ll see I have no issue once I need to take the R4C3 cell in getting that taken back.

2:15:00 — Palmer learns of the error in the Fillomino which brings him back to Ulrich in overall time for third.

2:15:40 — You get to see a fairly empty lower-right where I’m mentally visualizing the final answer and then writing it. Another great solve (Nurikabe maybe 4 of 5 and Fillomino and G&T 5 of 5). There are now two puzzles left and things are going well.

2:16:00 — Jan Novotny on commentary calls out my lead in second and the gap closing on Ken. Just 80 seconds now with remarkable gains of three more minutes back on the puzzle style I chose! But two math puzzles to go including a super fast 6×6 one.

2:17:00 — Much to Jan’s comments, Ken does spend about a minute on the grid.

2:17:10 — I’m resigned in a 6×6 to simply writing to learn about the puzzle and not think about finding an entry point. My first digits are mostly right (just the upper-left is off and I have the middle constraints learned).

2:17:50 – And once I know how the puzzle will solve I basically am slowly writing the answer down. “Slowly” is maybe not a word I should use, as I didn’t do that poorly compared to the other two finalists here but this is the one puzzle Ken so far has been faster at.

2:18:20 — Jan is visibly excited that Wrong Products is up and has some surprises with it. No one had asked what size it would be, but going 1-20 is a slight surprise. In the sudoku championship playoffs I asked if the Sudokuro (a kakuro puzzle pretending to be a sudoku) was 1-7 like in the competition or 1-9. They didn’t answer, but the real puzzle was 1-9 and much harder.

2:19:26 — You miss my turn in but can see that I gave back 10 seconds to Ken but still have a chance on the last grid. I know Ulrich and Palmer can catch up but I’ve got a few minute lead on them both at the moment. I am starting to freak out — both at the potential to be 1st but even to just be 2nd. I have had an issue at the last puzzle in playoffs before (Beijing). I’ve had an issue with a math-heavy puzzle in playoffs before (Eger when I lost a lead on Ulrich, Belarus where I wrote an E instead of a 5 in Kakuro — long story). I don’t know yet that the Wrong Products will be a 1-20. I’m just hoping I didn’t make a silly Mathrax error and am starting to do some multiples of 7 in my head.

2:19:42 — Paper on my desk and my first reaction is to freak out. Jan correctly mentions “I wanted to see his surprise on the range of the numbers”. And younger me would have kept the bad mental image of surprise. Older me responds: it’s just a harder grid than before, which means there is a chance to make up 1.5 minutes on Ken. And while I worry others will make fun of the fact I will probably have to write all the multiples of 13 and 17 and 19 on the page, I just need to keep at it and solve smart and steady and fast enough.

2:20:50 — Yes, I have written long multiplication out for 18×19 in the right margin to confirm the product as I don’t trust my mental multiplication. At around this point I almost make a mistake which from the grid is something like 265(+/-1) = 16×18 (writing an 18 into the grid) but I double check immediately and erase the error quickly.

2:22:00 — Everyone has now gotten through 4 puzzles and there is ~3 minutes for me in front of Ulrich and Palmer although I will not know this exact time.

2:22:50 — I’m chipping away at things still (11s and then 15s) and not yet at writing multiples on the page.

2:23:30 — I’m continuing to write in the grid, with an ID for the top large sum that clears a 13 and the final crossing value for the 15. Ken is not yet writing as much in, maybe working towards a perfect factorization of all 20 numbers for one of the directions?

2:24:00 — This is exactly what is happening and the row clues look reasonable on Ken’s paper but the columns don’t have much progress on his grid. My progress is spread out.

2:24:15 — Indeed, “hard to judge who is ahead”. I’m still feeling I’m taking way too long but just grinding, grinding, grinding, not thinking of anything but the grid in front of me. The 8 I just wrote in though is in the wrong spot. Will I catch this?

2:25:30 — Ken is having more struggle at breaking out the top column clues which may mean time is coming back to me?

2:26:03 — The 8 that was wrong in my grid is now taken out.

2:26:35 — Palmer, a mathematician (but does that mean good at arithmetic?), has a lot of the top broken apart into products and some ok progress in the grid. Is it correct? A lot of the solvers have made progress in different spots.

2:26:50 — Ulrich now where Ken has been, with all the row clues broken apart seemingly (two options written on the right of the grid).

2:27:20 — I’m still the least organized in breaking apart the task, skipping from rows to columns. I’m also losing a little time in shading but keeping visually clear finished clues to help myself.

2:27:40 — But at this point I’m starting to recognize shading might be stupid? I have all the columns IDed and just start writing in numbers for what I know (the 1 and 3 in rows 4 and 5 for example). My heart jumps about 25 beats per minute. 6 entries to place.

2:28:00 — 2 numbers to place!

2:28:05 — No numbers to place!!! Is the grid full? Turn it in! Turn it in! The paper shoots to the right to the judge.

2:28:10 — My heart jumps another 25 beats. My right arm starts shaking. It will not stop shaking for another 90 minutes. But at least I only have to wait 60 seconds for my fate to be made clear. I catch up to noting the lead I had in the room entering the last puzzle…

2:29:00 — and see that Ulrich has reeled 3 minutes back and turned in. This could be bad if I made an error (as in Beijing) and he is correct before I can do a 5 second fix…

2:29:08 — But it is not bad. I have won. The V is formed one last time, without color coordination, on my booklet as my proctor tells me I am correct. I have somehow had the best third day in a WPC in my memory. I did the 2 improbable things (finish Rd 13 super fast to jump into the finals, and finish the playoffs super fast to make up > 7 minutes). And luck fell my way on the rest — the right puzzle selection, some unexpected mistakes by others….

2:33:00 — I wait out the clock as no one else finishes the wrong products.

2:33:20 — Jan: “I think he wanted this a lot”. And I really did from 2008 on after coming so close in Rio de Janeiro with the top spot becoming a 2nd after playoffs. After 2011, I would go to steps like not competing in the WSC (as reigning champion) to maintain focus for the WPC. 2012 and 2013 were both crushing defeats in different ways for me. Leading to a TIME interviewer even writing, after discussing how my focus on science may be affecting my puzzling:
“There are those who think the distraction of attempting to solve the world’s immunological woes is why Snyder is the puzzling world’s Ahab: for all his success, he has never won the individual world championship. It’s something of an obsession.”

And there is no way to deny the obsession part fully, when the history of my live blogs is out there, even if the passage of time, broader perspective, and family loss made the goal diminished entering Prague. I had partly moved on with my life after 2013, to medical pursuits, and had stopped hoping in the last few years it would be possible, had even stopped competing. This year’s win was completely unexpected. Amazing that the city of Prague, where I won the first title as mom watched from home, would be the site of this ultimate success in the first year I no longer had her cheering from afar.

I take a shower and walk outside to try to slow my heart rate and get my hand in a state I can write with it again because there are team playoffs to come. I wonder for awhile whether my attaining great mental focus over short bursts like I did earlier in the day could lead to neurologic injury. My hand finally stops shaking.

Eventually the team finals begin and there you can watch the video and I won’t write too much — the individual parts were hard and I stuck more to logic than intuition on Easy as ABCDE. Once Walker joined to help we moved much faster to complete the real assignment, I finished my grid and we tag-teamed on the other. We still made some slowing errors like not copying all the blackened cells into the second grid. We get to the team table where Wei-Hwa and Palmer have a good path close to the answer, and work for a few minutes to complete but Germany beats us by under a minute. Perhaps time I could have gotten back by a better individual solve but who knows? Japan has made a larger error which they don’t know at the time (they brought the wrong team sheet up to the main desk) and fall all the way to last when Hungary finally clears the Easy as ABCDE desk. The error in papers leads to a larger (but maybe overblown?) controversy about how team captains have been interacting in the room, generally looking at the individual desk papers as Germany and US wait 15 minutes for third place to finish.

Closing thoughts
Except for one non-unique puzzle I ran into in the main competition, something unusual in the connectivity of the loop in the last team round, and then a set of issues in the quarterfinals of the playoffs, this WPC was rather clean. The round structure (while long) had a nice split by genres and let different skill sets come into play without as much “pick your favorites” as other tournaments that mix them more together. I didn’t like all the puzzles — some still seem to need more guessing than I’d want — but there were some very stellar themed puzzles too as expected at the end. While Ken Endo and Japan had back luck in the playoffs, it meant I got a little karmic payback. I would have 4/1 WSC/WPC titles with individual ranks used. I have 3/1 WSC/WPC titles with playoffs used now. And I’m now the first person to hold both titles, at least until Kota Morinishi catches up in WPC or Ken Endo gets even better at Sudoku (already nipping me at 9th > 10th this year).

This is a very weird report to write in a very tough year in my life, that has matched low lows with this unexpectedly high high. I’m still thinking through what I’m doing with my life now that my mother has passed. That consumes a lot of time, and pushes me to work harder at Verily. In the midst of those emotions I was not ready before or after Prague for this victory. And I still struggle with the fact time away from science is not leading to cures, but time on puzzles brings joy to many in different ways. If Rounds 1-3 had me thinking of quitting puzzles altogether, the overall event and the time with friends in puzzles reaffirms that I need to keep the complex balance of both science and logic to feel whole in my life.

Thank you mom for pushing me to try hard in all the things I do, for teaching me math and multiplication, and for introducing me to puzzles. You weren’t able to see this victory, but I hope you know that I owe a lot of my success to you and dad and I miss you every day.

Schedule for Next Week

Our last week of puzzles from guest contributors can be found in this PDF.

This upcoming week is another “Patrons’ week”, featuring requested puzzle styles from our top patrons. As usual for these patrons’ weeks, the difficulty is on the higher end.

Monday: Tapa (Borders) by Murat Can Tonta
Tuesday: Castle Wall by Prasanna Seshadri
Wednesday: Fillomino by Grant Fikes
Thursday: SLICY by Thomas Snyder
Friday: Arrow/Shape/Thermo-Sudoku by Prasanna Seshadri
Saturday: Japanese Sums by Serkan Yürekli

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus LITS by Carl Worth, access to puzzle solutions, and a written walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

PS: Our webmaster has been working on the solver widget and it looks like it may be back online again. Please tell us if you are having any issues with the widget and, if so, what browsers you are using. You might have to clear your cache or do a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) to see the updated widget.

All Weekly PDFs

Below you will find a set of links to every weekly PDF file we’ve posted here, at least up to our last update of this page.

Best of collections:
2021: Sudoku, Number Placement, Object Placement, Region Division, Shading, Loop and Path
2020: Sudoku, Number Placement, Object Placement, Region Division, Shading, Loop and Path
2019: Sudoku, Number Placement, Object Placement, Region Division, Shading, Loop and Path
2018 – all grouped in one PDF
2017 – all grouped in one PDF
2016 – all grouped in one PDF
2015 – all grouped in one PDF
2014: Sudoku, Number Placement, Object Placement, Region Division, Shading, Loops
2013: Sudoku, Number Placement, Object Placement, Region Division, Shading, Loops

Weekly Puzzle Sets:
Bonus – Sunday Stumpers and Giant Puzzles, updated throughout year (solutions)
Week 50 – Variety mix as in GPQ6 book (solutions)
Week 49 – Loop Variety Collection 2 mix (solutions)
Week 48 – Starter Pack mix (solutions)
Week 47 – Nanro (solutions)
Week 46 – Sudoku (solutions)
Week 45 – Kuromasu and Spiral Galaxies (solutions)
Week 44 – Yajilin (solutions)
Week 43 – Cross the Streams (solutions)
Week 42 – Variety (Starter Pack) (solutions)
Week 41 – Hexagonal Object Placement Mix (solutions)
Week 40 – Easy as ABC variations (solutions)
Week 39 – Castle Wall (solutions)
Week 38 – Pentominous (solutions)
Week 37 – Variety mix as in GPQ5 book (solutions)
Week 36 – Sudoku (solutions)
Week 35 – Variety Mix (Pentominoes) (solutions)
Week 34 – LITS (solutions)
Week 33 – Slitherlink (solutions)
Week 32 – Smashed Sums and Terra X (solutions)
Week 31 – Variety (Starter Pack) (solutions)
Week 30 – Takeya Saikachi’s Debut Week (solutions)
Week 29 – Sudoku (solutions)
Week 28 – Minesweeper (solutions)
Week 27 – Nurikabe (solutions)
Week 26 – Variety (Starter Pack) (solutions)
Week 25 – Japanese Sums (solutions)
Week 24 – Balance Loop (solutions)
Week 23 – Sudoku (solutions)
Week 22 – Snake Pit (solutions)
Week 21 – Battleships (solutions)
Week 20 – Variety mix (hexagonal grids) (solutions)
Week 19 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 18 – Skyscrapers (solutions)
Week 17 – Sudoku (solutions)
Week 16 – Slitherlink (solutions)
Week 15 – Variety Mix (Starter Pack) (solutions)
Week 14 – Cave (solutions)
Week 13 – Statue Park (solutions)
Week 12 – Kakuro (solutions)
Week 11 – Variety mix as in GPQ3 book (solutions)
Week 10 – Tapa-Like Loop (solutions)
Week 9 – Araf (solutions)
Week 8 – Tight Fit and Consecutive Pairs Sudoku (solutions)
Week 7 – Star Battle (solutions)
Week 6 – Variety Mix (Starter Pack) (solutions)
Week 5 – Aqre (solutions)
Week 4 – Shading variety mix (solutions)
Week 3 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 2 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 1 – Welcome to 2022 Variety Mix (solutions)

Bonus – Sunday Stumpers and Giant Puzzles, posted throughout year (solutions)
Week 51 – US Puzzle Grand Prix Round from 2021 (solutions)
Week 50 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 49 – Pentomino Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 48 – Nanro (solutions)
Week 47 – Two Puzzles, One Grid Variety Week (solutions)
Week 46 – Tapa-Like Loop (solutions)
Week 45 – Kuromasu and Snake Pit (solutions)
Week 44 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 43 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 42 – Cross the Streams (solutions)
Week 41 – Kakuro (solutions)
Week 40 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 39 – Star Battle (solutions)
Week 38 – Round Trip (solutions)
Week 37 – Spiral Galaxies (solutions)
Week 36 – Last Days of SUM-mer (arithmetic puzzles) (solutions)
Week 35 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 34 – Statue Park (solutions)
Week 33 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 32 – Castle Wall (solutions)
Week 31 – Cipher Variety week (solutions)
Week 30 – Smashed Sums and Japanese Sums (solutions)
Week 29 – Minesweeper (solutions)
Week 28 – Cave (solutions)
Week 27 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 26 – Slitherlink (solutions)
Week 25 – LITS (solutions)
Week 24 – Variety Mix (hexagonal puzzles) (solutions)
Week 23 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 22 – Yajilin (solutions)
Week 21 – Battleships (solutions)
Week 20 – Fillomino (solutions)
Week 19 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 18 – Skyscrapers (solutions)
Week 17 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 16 – Nurikabe (solutions)
Week 15 – Loop Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 14 – Kakuro (solutions)
Week 13 – Statue Park (solutions)
Week 12 – Pentominous (solutions)
Week 11 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 10 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 9 – Variety Week: Even Rows and Columns (solutions)
Week 8 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 7 – Balance Loop (solutions)
Week 6 – Star Battle (solutions)
Week 5 – JinHoo Ahn debut week of variations (solutions)
Week 4 – Kurotto (solutions)
Week 3 – Araf (solutions)
Week 2 – Sudoku (solutions)
Week 1 – Welcome to 2021 Variety Mix (solutions)

Week 30 – Fillomino (solutions)
Week 29 – LITS (solutions)
Week 28 – Star Battle (solutions)
Week 27 – Kakuro (solutions)
Week 26 – Sudoku (solutions)
Week 25 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 24 – Balance Loop (solutions)
Week 23 – Cave (solutions)
Week 22 – Cross the Streams (solutions)
Week 21 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 20 – Statue Park (solutions)
Week 19 – Skyscrapers (solutions)
Week 18 – Sudoku and variations (solutions)
Week 17 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 16 – Snake and Snake Variations (solutions)
Week 15 – Kurotto (solutions)
Week 14 – Skyscrapers (solutions)
Week 13 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 12 – Araf (solutions)
Week 11 – Battleships (solutions)
Week 10 – Sudoku and variations (solutions)
Week 9 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 8 – Slitherlink (solutions)
Week 7 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 6 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 5 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 4 – Pentominous (solutions)
Week 3 – Star Battle (solutions)
Week 2 – Sudoku and variations (solutions)
Week 1 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Reopening – Four Teasers (solutions)

Week 27 – Sudoku, and World Puzzle Championship (solutions)
Week 26 – Masyu (solutions)
Week 25 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 24 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 23 – Fillomino (solutions)
Week 22 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 21 – Star Battle (solutions)
Week 20 – Skyscrapers (solutions)
Week 19 – Ashish Kumar debut week with double puzzles (solutions)
Week 18 – Arrow, Thermo, and Even/Odd Sudoku Variations (solutions)
Week 17 – Castle Wall (solutions)
Week 16 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 15 – Cave (solutions)
Week 14 – Cross the Streams (solutions)
Week 13 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 12 – Minesweeper (solutions)
Week 11 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 10 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 9 – Pentominous (solutions)
Week 8 – Nanro (solutions)
Week 7 – Variety Mix + Pi Day puzzles (solutions)
Week 6 – Sudoku Variations Mix (solutions)
Week 5 – Battleships (solutions)
Week 4 – Toketa Variety Week (solutions)
Week 3 – Kakuro (solutions)
Week 2 – Yajilin (solutions)
Week 1 – Fillomino and Fillomino Cipher (solutions)

Week 38 – Sudoku and Variations (solutions)
Week 37 – Spiral Galaxies (solutions)
Week 36 – Variety Mix from Palmer Mebane for WPC (solutions)
Week 35 – Nurikabe (solutions)
Week 34 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 33 – Variety Week (solutions)
Week 32 – Battleships (solutions)
Week 31 – Castle Wall (solutions)
Week 30 – Sudoku, in many styles like the upcoming Art of Sudoku 2 (solutions)
Week 29 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 28 – Fillomino (solutions)
Week 27 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 26 – Intro to GMPuzzles sampler week (solutions)
Week 25 – LITS (solutions)
Week 24 – Kakuro (solutions)
Week 23 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 22 – Statue Park (solutions)
Week 21 – Masyu (solutions)
Week 20 – Variety Mix including guest contributions (solutions)
Week 19 – Arrow and Even/Odd Sudoku (solutions)
Week 18 – Cave (solutions)
Week 17 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 16 – Nanro (solutions)
Week 15 – Skyscrapers (solutions)
Week 14 – Variety Mix revisiting earlier 2018 themes (solutions)
Week 13 – Minesweeper (solutions)
Week 12 – Yajilin (solutions)
Week 11 – Variety mix (solutions)
Week 10 – Sudoku mix (solutions)
Week 9 – (special) Quintessence by John Bulten (solutions)
Week 8 – Pentominous (solutions)
Week 7 – Pi week; a lot of 3.1415… themed puzzles (solutions)
Week 6 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 5 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 4 – Variety mix from all our puzzlemasters (solutions)
Week 3 – Star Battle (solutions)
Week 2 – Slitherlink (solutions)
Week 1 – Variety Mix from Joseph Howard (solutions)

Week 26 – Minesweeper and Double Minesweeper week (solutions)
Week 25 – ? themed puzzles by Serkan Yürekli, Cross the Tapa by Chris Green (solutions)
Week 24 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 23 – Bonus Sudoku and puzzle hunt puzzles from Thomas Snyder (solutions)
Week 22 – Snake Pit and Sunglasses puzzles from the Toketa book authors (solutions)
Week 21 – Variety Mix from Guest Authors (solutions)
Week 20 – Variety mix from Grant Fikes (solutions)
Week 19 – “Turkish Delight” – Tapa from Murat and Sudoku from Serkan (solutions)
Week 18 – Kakuro and Double Kakuro week (solutions)
Week 17 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons) (solutions)
Week 16 – Spiral Galaxies and Double Spiral Galaxies week (solutions)
Week 15 – Nurikabe and Yajisan-Kazusan from Jamie Hargrove (solutions)
Week 14 – Variety Mix from Guest Authors (solutions)
Week 13 – Puzzles from US Puzzle Grand Prix Round (+ Fillomino bonus); (solutions)
Week 12 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 11 – LITS and Double LITS week (solutions)
Week 10 – Yajilin and Double Yajilin week (solutions)
Week 9 – “Leftovers” from Dr. Sudoku (solutions)
Week 8 – Variety Mix from six GM puzzlemasters, with Battleships mini theme (solutions)
Week 7 – Tapa variations by Serkan Yürekli (solutions)
Week 6 – Masyu, Fillomino, and related variants (solutions)
Week 5 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 4 – Variety Mix from Guest Authors (solutions)
Week 3 – Colossal Cave Collection Teaser Week by Roger Barkan (solutions)
Week 2 – Balance Loop and Tapa (Islands) Mini Weeks (solutions)
Week 1 – Just One Week – Variety Mix (solutions)

Week 32 – Snake Pit (Carl Worth debut week); (solutions)
Week 31 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 30 – World Puzzle Championship Practice from Prasanna Seshadri (solutions)
Week 29b – Sudoku + Puzzle Championship puzzles from Thomas Snyder (solutions)
Week 29 – Variety Mix from six GM puzzlemasters (solutions)
Week 28 – Even Rows and Columns variations (solutions)
Week 27 – Tight Fit Sudoku variations by Serkan Yürekli (solutions)
Week 26 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 25 – Puzzle variations from Grant Fikes (solutions)
Week 24 – Last days of SUM-mer: arithmetic puzzles from Serkan and Thomas (solutions)
Week 23 – Variety Mix from six GM puzzlemasters (solutions)
Week 22 – Castle Wall and Myopia Yajilin puzzles from Murat Can Tonta (solutions)
Week 21 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 20 – Variety Mix from Guest Authors (solutions)
Week 19 – Variety Mix by Grant Fikes (solutions)
Week 18 – Rock Paper Scissors and Canal View variations (solutions)
Week 17 – Sudoku Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 16 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 15 – Serkan (Star Battle Variations) and Murat (elegant classics); (solutions)
Week 14 – US Grand Prix Round selections (2 of 2); (solutions)
Week 13 – US Grand Prix Round selections (1 of 2); (solutions)
Week 12 – “Transparent” puzzle variations by Prasanna Seshadri (solutions)
Week 11 – Grant Fikes week (solutions)
Week 10 – Range Puzzles by Serkan Yürekli (solutions)
Week 9 – Patrons week (puzzles written for our top patrons); (solutions)
Week 8 – Grant Fikes Mix (TomTom, Ripple Effect, Pentominous); (solutions)
Week 7 – Guest Week (solutions)
Week 6 – Sudoku Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 5 – “Windows” Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 4 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 3 – LITS and Nanro Signpost Variations (solutions)
Week 2 – Snake Variations by Serkan Yürekli (solutions)
Week 1 – Variety Mix from Murat Can Tonta (solutions)

Week 32 – Murat Can Tonta debut week (solutions)
Week 31 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 30 – Sudoku by Thomas Snyder and Word Connection by Serkan Yürekli (solutions)
Week 29 – Fillomino by Grant Fikes and Tapa (Skyscrapers) by Prasanna Seshadri (solutions)
Weeks 27-28 – Pentomino Puzzles by Serkan Yürekli (solutions)
Week 26 – Nanro + Fillomino by Grant Fikes and two bonus (solutions)
Week 25 – “Inspired by …” mini-week (solutions)
Week 24 – Tapa Variants: Serkan Yürekli mini-week (solutions)
Week 23 – 2015 Indian Puzzle Championship (2 of 2) (solutions)
Week 22 – 2015 Indian Puzzle Championship (1 of 2) (solutions)
Week 21 – Non-Consecutive Puzzles mini-week (solutions)
Week 20 – Sudoku Variants: Prasanna Seshadri mini-week (solutions)
Week 19 – Golem Grad: Serkan Yürekli mini-week (solutions)
Week 18 – Consecutive Pairs Sudoku: Tom Collyer mini-week (solutions)
Week 17 – John Bulten mini-week (solutions)
Week 16 – Grant Fikes mini-week (solutions)
Week 15 – Variety Mix (restarting on “half week” schedule after hiatus) (solutions)
Week 14 – Sudoku Variant Examples (solutions)
Week 13 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 12 – John Bulten’s Debut Week (solutions)
Week 11 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 10 – Variety Mix by Guest Contributors (solutions)
Week 9 – Loops (solutions)
Week 8 – Sudoku Mix (solutions)
Week 7 – Variety Mix (Antisymmetry) (solutions)
Week 6 – Fillomino and Balance Loop (solutions)
Week 5 – Variety Mix (Hexagonal puzzles) (solutions)
Week 4 – Even/Odd Sudoku and Top Heavy Number Place (solutions)
Week 3 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 2 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 1 – Variety Mix (solutions)

Week 51 – Pentominous and Pentopia (solutions)
Week 50 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 49 – Variety Mix by Grant Fikes (solutions)
Week 48 – Fillomino (solutions)
Week 47 – Variety Mix by Guest Contributors (solutions)
Week 46 – Sudoku and Pentominous (solutions)
Week 45 – Castle Wall (solutions)
Week 44 – LITS, Easy as LITS (solutions)
Week 43 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 42 – TomTom (solutions)
Week 41 – Golem Grad and Round Trip (solutions)
Week 40 – Variety Mix by Guest Contributors (solutions)
Week 39 – Variety Mix by Zoltán Horváth (solutions)
Week 38 – Variety Mix by Prasanna Seshadri (solutions)
Week 37 – Pentomino Variety (solutions)
Week 36 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 35 – Loops (solutions)
Week 34 – Variety Mix by Grant Fikes (solutions)
Week 33 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 32 – Kuromasu (solutions)
Week 31 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 30 – Sudoku Mix (solutions)
Week 29 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 28 – Liars’ Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 27 – Nurikabe (solutions)
Week 26 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 25 – Cross the Streams (solutions)
Week 24 – Variety Mix by Bram de Laat plus IPC puzzles (solutions)
Week 23 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 22 – Tapa-Like Loop, Light and Shadow (solutions)
Week 21 – Variety Mix (Twin Puzzles) (solutions)
Week 20 – Variety Mix (with hidden theme) (solutions)
Week 19 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 18 – Araf (solutions)
Week 17 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 16 – Skyscrapers by Roland Voigt plus 24HPC puzzles (solutions)
Week 15 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 14 – Fillomino (solutions)
Week 13 – April Fools’ Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 12 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 11 – Sudoku Mix (solutions)
Week 10 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 9 – Loops (solutions)
Week 8 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 7 – Kurotto (solutions)
Week 6 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 5 – Tapa (solutions)
Week 4 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 3 – Cave (solutions)
Week 2 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 1 – Prasanna Seshadri’s Debut Week (solutions)

Week 52 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 51 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 50 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 49 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 48 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 47 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 46 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 45 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 44 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 42-3 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 41 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 40 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 39 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 38 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 37 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 36 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 35 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 34 – Serkan Yürekli’s Debut Week (solutions)
Week 33 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 32 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 31 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 30 – Tom Collyer’s Debut Week (solutions)
Week 29 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 28 – LITS (solutions)
Week 27 – Palmer Mebane’s Debut Week (solutions)
Week 26 – Contributions to 2013 US Sudoku Qualifying Test (solutions)
Week 25 – Contributions to 2013 US Puzzle Championship (solutions)
Week 24 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 23 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 22 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 21 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 20 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 19 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 18 – Sudoku Mix with Tile Sudoku (solutions)
Week 17 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 16 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 15 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 14 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 13 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 12 – Variety Mix (solutions)
Week 11 – Grant Fikes’ Debut Week (solutions)
Week 10 – Isodoku and Fillomino (solutions)
Week 9 – Surplus/Deficit Sudoku and Slitherlink (solutions)
Week 8 – Battleship Sudoku and Battleships (solutions)
Week 7 – Sudo-Kurve and Tapa (solutions)
Week 6 – Outside Sudoku and Skyscrapers (solutions)
Week 5 – Consecutive Sudoku and Masyu (solutions)
Week 4 – Arrow Sudoku and Cave (solutions)
Week 3 – Thermo-Sudoku and Star Battle (solutions)
Week 2 – Tight Fit Sudoku and Nurikabe (solutions)
Week 1 – Sudoku and TomTom (solutions)

Schedule for Week 48

Last week’s puzzles are grouped together in this PDF.

This week will have a few more “regular” puzzles than the rest of November, but still some of the variety that we hope you have become thankful for over this year. And for the first time in a few weeks we will have all of our contributing puzzlemasters providing puzzles (to whom I am especially thankful for helping to grow GMPuzzles into an even more incredible site). Highlight to view the schedule:
Monday – Cross the Streams by Grant Fikes
Tuesday – Masyu by Tom Collyer
Wednesday – Sudoku by Thomas Snyder
Thursday – Battleships by Thomas Snyder
Friday – Easy as Japanese Sums by Serkan Yürekli
Saturday – Hexa Briquets by Palmer Mebane

Solving videos shared with supporters (prior to 2020)

2019/09/13 – Battleships (Minesweeper) (+ puzzle page)
2019/08/31 – Tapa (Easy as) (+ puzzle page)
2019/08/24 – Fillomino (NC) (+ puzzle page)
2019/07/04 – Cave and Kurotto (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2019/06/14 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2019/05/11 – Yajilin (Strict Transparent) (+ puzzle page)
2019/05/10 – Battleships (Minesweeper) (+ puzzle page)
2019/04/20 – TomTom (No Touch) (+ puzzle page)
2019/03/16 – Statue Park (+ puzzle page)
2019/03/15 – Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2019/02/16 – SSS (Sundoku Snake Shape) (+ puzzle page)
2019/02/15 – Transporter (+ puzzle page)
2019/01/19 – Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2018/12/14 – Inner Coral (+ puzzle page)
2018/12/12 – Galaxies and Tetrominoes (+ puzzle page)
2018/11/24 – Nurikabe Loop (+ puzzle page)
2018/11/21 – Nurikabe (+ puzzle page)
2018/10/12 – Consecutive Pairs Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2018/09/08 – Pentopia (+ puzzle page)
2018/08/03 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2018/07/07 – Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2018/07/06 – Cave (+ puzzle page)
2018/06/09 – Araf (+ puzzle page)
2018/06/08 – Thermo-Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2018/05/12 – TomTom (+ puzzle page)
2018/03/16 – Double LITS (+ puzzle page)
2018/02/14 – Consecutive Pairs Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2018/01/20 – Statue Park (+ puzzle page)
2017/12/27+29 – Minesweeper (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2017/12/17 – Cross the Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2017/12/02 – Tapa (Different) (+ puzzle page)
2017/10/07 – Snake Pit X (+ puzzle page)
2017/09/13 – Cross the Streams (LITS) (+ puzzle page)
2017/09/02 – Pentominous (Borders) (+ puzzle page)
2017/08/19 – Killer Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2017/08/05 – Double Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2017/07/22 – Tapa (Hex) (+ puzzle page)
2017/06/28-29 – Spiral Galaxies + 2x (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2017/06/15 – Nurikabe (Yajisan-Kazusan) (+ puzzle page)
2017/06/01 – Pentosnake (+ puzzle page)
2017/05/12 – Castle Wall (Hex) (+ puzzle page)
2017/04/12+15 – Double Yajilin (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2017/03/25 – Starship Battle (+ puzzle page)
2017/03/11 – Tapa (Visionary) (+ puzzle page)
2017/03/04 – Fillomino (Symmetry) (+ puzzle page)
2017/02/10 – Cave (+ puzzle page)
2017/01/27 – Masyu or Balance Loop? (+ puzzle page)
2017/01/13 – Pata (+ puzzle page)
2016/12/10 – Fillomino (Kropki) (+ puzzle page)
2016/11/12 – Statue Park (+ puzzle page)
2016/11/05 – Minesweeper (Even Rows/Columns) (+ puzzle page)
2016/10/23 and 2016/10/21 – Tight Fit Sudoku (Classic and Killer) (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2016/10/08 – Roller Coaster (+ puzzle page)
2016/09/30 – Pentominous (Star Battle) (+ puzzle page)
2016/09/17 – Japanese+Latin Sums (+ puzzle page)
2016/09/10 – Fillomino (Symmetry) (+ puzzle page)
2016/08/27 – Castle Wall (+ puzzle page)
2016/08/17 – Gapped Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2016/08/06 – Slitherlink (Large-Square) (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/29 – Yajilin (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/22 – Canal View (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/09 – Thermo-Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/01 – Masyu (Regional) (+ puzzle page)
2016/06/10 – Star Battle (Small Regions) (+ puzzle page)
2016/05/13 – Yajilin (Transparent) (+ puzzle page)
2016/04/28 – Cross the Streams (Windows) (+ puzzle page)
2016/04/16 – Range (+ puzzle page)
2016/04/09 – Killer Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2016/03/17 – Ripple Effect (+ puzzle page)
2016/03/12 – Slitherlink (+ puzzle page)
2016/02/27 – Arrow Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2016/02/18 – Kurotto (Windows) (+ puzzle page)
2016/02/13 – Double Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2015/04/02 – Snake Egg (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/26 – Fillomino (Symmetry) (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/21 – Skyscrapers (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/14 – 2D Top Heavy Number Place (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/05 – Yajilin (+ puzzle page)
2015/02/13 – Balance Loop (+ puzzle page)
2015/02/07 – Kakuro (Hex) (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/31 – Even/Odd Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/24 – TomTom (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/16 – Unique Clues Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/10 – Battleships (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/27 – Pentopia (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/17 – Battleships (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/13 – Cross the Streams (LITS) (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/05 – Cipher Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/28 – (Prime) Cave (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/22 – Pentominous (Cipher) (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/15 – Castle Wall (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/08 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/31 – Jack-O’-Lantern Thermo Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/24 – TomTom (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/17 – RoundTrip (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/04 – Pentomino (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/27 – Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/18 – Pentominous (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/12 – Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/06 – Tapa-Like Loop (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/28 – Pentominous (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/23 – Killer Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/15 – Kuromasu (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/08 – Sum Skyscrapers (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/02 – Repeated Neighbors Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/07/24 – Nanro (+ puzzle page)
2014/07/12 – Nurikabe (+ puzzle page)
2014/07/04 and 2014/07/06 – Star Battle (+ puzzle page 1 + email only = no puzzle page)
2014/06/24 and 2014/06/27 – Cross the Streams (B&W Partially Inverted and Pentominoes) (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2014/06/19 and 2014/06/21 – Word Nurikabe and Cipher TomTom from IPC (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2014/06/13 – Transparent Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2014/05/31 – Slitherlink (Portal) (+ puzzle page)
2014/05/22 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2014/05/08-09 – Araf (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2014/05/03 – Heavy Dots (+ puzzle page)
2014/04/19 – Ripple Effect (+ puzzle page)
2014/04/12 – Checkered Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2014/04/05 – Audio Cross the Streams (+ puzzle page)
2014/03/28 – Outside Nurikabe (+ puzzle page)
2014/03/21 – Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/03/07 – Slitherlink (Sheep and Wolves) (+ puzzle page)
2014/02/27 – Cave (+ puzzle page)
2014/02/14 – Fillomino (+ puzzle page)

Solving videos shared with supporters (2014-2019)

2019/09/13 – Battleships (Minesweeper) (+ puzzle page)
2019/08/31 – Tapa (Easy as) (+ puzzle page)
2019/08/24 – Fillomino (NC) (+ puzzle page)
2019/07/04 – Cave and Kurotto (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2019/06/14 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2019/05/11 – Yajilin (Strict Transparent) (+ puzzle page)
2019/05/10 – Battleships (Minesweeper) (+ puzzle page)
2019/04/20 – TomTom (No Touch) (+ puzzle page)
2019/03/16 – Statue Park (+ puzzle page)
2019/03/15 – Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2019/02/16 – SSS (Sundoku Snake Shape) (+ puzzle page)
2019/02/15 – Transporter (+ puzzle page)
2019/01/19 – Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2018/12/14 – Inner Coral (+ puzzle page)
2018/12/12 – Galaxies and Tetrominoes (+ puzzle page)
2018/11/24 – Nurikabe Loop (+ puzzle page)
2018/11/21 – Nurikabe (+ puzzle page)
2018/10/12 – Consecutive Pairs Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2018/09/08 – Pentopia (+ puzzle page)
2018/08/03 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2018/07/07 – Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2018/07/06 – Cave (+ puzzle page)
2018/06/09 – Araf (+ puzzle page)
2018/06/08 – Thermo-Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2018/05/12 – TomTom (+ puzzle page)
2018/03/16 – Double LITS (+ puzzle page)
2018/02/14 – Consecutive Pairs Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2018/01/20 – Statue Park (+ puzzle page)
2017/12/27+29 – Minesweeper (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2017/12/17 – Cross the Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2017/12/02 – Tapa (Different) (+ puzzle page)
2017/10/07 – Snake Pit X (+ puzzle page)
2017/09/13 – Cross the Streams (LITS) (+ puzzle page)
2017/09/02 – Pentominous (Borders) (+ puzzle page)
2017/08/19 – Killer Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2017/08/05 – Double Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2017/07/22 – Tapa (Hex) (+ puzzle page)
2017/06/28-29 – Spiral Galaxies + 2x (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2017/06/15 – Nurikabe (Yajisan-Kazusan) (+ puzzle page)
2017/06/01 – Pentosnake (+ puzzle page)
2017/05/12 – Castle Wall (Hex) (+ puzzle page)
2017/04/12+15 – Double Yajilin (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2017/03/25 – Starship Battle (+ puzzle page)
2017/03/11 – Tapa (Visionary) (+ puzzle page)
2017/03/04 – Fillomino (Symmetry) (+ puzzle page)
2017/02/10 – Cave (+ puzzle page)
2017/01/27 – Masyu or Balance Loop? (+ puzzle page)
2017/01/13 – Pata (+ puzzle page)
2016/12/10 – Fillomino (Kropki) (+ puzzle page)
2016/11/12 – Statue Park (+ puzzle page)
2016/11/05 – Minesweeper (Even Rows/Columns) (+ puzzle page)
2016/10/23 and 2016/10/21 – Tight Fit Sudoku (Classic and Killer) (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2016/10/08 – Roller Coaster (+ puzzle page)
2016/09/30 – Pentominous (Star Battle) (+ puzzle page)
2016/09/17 – Japanese+Latin Sums (+ puzzle page)
2016/09/10 – Fillomino (Symmetry) (+ puzzle page)
2016/08/27 – Castle Wall (+ puzzle page)
2016/08/17 – Gapped Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2016/08/06 – Slitherlink (Large-Square) (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/29 – Yajilin (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/22 – Canal View (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/09 – Thermo-Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2016/07/01 – Masyu (Regional) (+ puzzle page)
2016/06/10 – Star Battle (Small Regions) (+ puzzle page)
2016/05/13 – Yajilin (Transparent) (+ puzzle page)
2016/04/28 – Cross the Streams (Windows) (+ puzzle page)
2016/04/16 – Range (+ puzzle page)
2016/04/09 – Killer Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2016/03/17 – Ripple Effect (+ puzzle page)
2016/03/12 – Slitherlink (+ puzzle page)
2016/02/27 – Arrow Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2016/02/18 – Kurotto (Windows) (+ puzzle page)
2016/02/13 – Double Kakuro (+ puzzle page)
2015/04/02 – Snake Egg (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/26 – Fillomino (Symmetry) (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/21 – Skyscrapers (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/14 – 2D Top Heavy Number Place (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/05 – Yajilin (+ puzzle page)
2015/03/01 – Star Battle (bonus) (email only = no puzzle page)
2015/02/22 – Skyscrapers (bonus) (email only = no puzzle page)
2015/02/13 – Balance Loop (+ puzzle page)
2015/02/07 – Kakuro (Hex) (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/31 – Even/Odd Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/24 – TomTom (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/16 – Unique Clues Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2015/01/10 – Battleships (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/27 – Pentopia (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/17 – Battleships (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/13 – Cross the Streams (LITS) (+ puzzle page)
2014/12/05 – Cipher Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/28 – (Prime) Cave (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/22 – Pentominous (Cipher) (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/15 – Castle Wall (+ puzzle page)
2014/11/08 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/31 – Jack-O’-Lantern Thermo Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/24 – TomTom (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/17 – RoundTrip (+ puzzle page)
2014/10/04 – Pentomino (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/27 – Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/18 – Pentominous (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/12 – Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/09/06 – Tapa-Like Loop (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/28 – Pentominous (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/23 – Killer Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/15 – Kuromasu (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/08 – Sum Skyscrapers (+ puzzle page)
2014/08/02 – Repeated Neighbors Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/07/24 – Nanro (+ puzzle page)
2014/07/12 – Nurikabe (+ puzzle page)
2014/07/04 and 2014/07/06 – Star Battle (+ puzzle page 1 + email only = no puzzle page)
2014/06/24 and 2014/06/27 – Cross the Streams (B&W Partially Inverted and Pentominoes) (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2014/06/19 and 2014/06/21 – Word Nurikabe and Cipher TomTom from IPC (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2014/06/13 – Transparent Tapa (+ puzzle page)
2014/05/31 – Slitherlink (Portal) (+ puzzle page)
2014/05/22 – LITS (+ puzzle page)
2014/05/08-09 – Araf (+ puzzle page 1 / 2)
2014/05/03 – Heavy Dots (+ puzzle page)
2014/04/19 – Ripple Effect (+ puzzle page)
2014/04/12 – Checkered Fillomino (+ puzzle page)
2014/04/05 – Audio Cross the Streams (+ puzzle page)
2014/03/28 – Outside Nurikabe (+ puzzle page)
2014/03/21 – Sudoku (+ puzzle page)
2014/03/07 – Slitherlink (Sheep and Wolves) (+ puzzle page)
2014/02/27 – Cave (+ puzzle page)
2014/02/14 – Fillomino (+ puzzle page)