Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category:

Is your muffin buttered?

I used to blog. Then I stopped that to have a more professional-looking puzzle site with lots of authors. My brain didn’t stop having the thoughts I would have blogged. They got put elsewhere or shot off into the void.

I rarely use social media, and almost never now, particularly as the truth is up for consensus decree. I wonder if the world can look not round in those cool RayBans.

But still, I hear there are some doggies that are looking to make the world better through e-fishin’-c. Here are some ideas if a doggie comes up to you:

1. Make mental health care available across state lines without conditions or at least allow for “vacations”. Seriously, if I travel out of state A, I cannot speak to my therapist or psychiatrist from state A unless they are licensed in the state B that I am now physically present in. I’ll accept that I shouldn’t have the right to purchase firearms because I’ve been hospitalized for being bipolar if you’ll accept that my relationships with my doctors and therapists are the most important in my wellness circle and your laws are in the way of my best care and living a normal 21st century life.

2. Stop sending credit card account requests to my dead mother. It’s been 7 years, she is not looking for a higher credit limit at the moment, and it just frustrates my dad. She stopped voting over 8 years ago, and maybe that should matter in who gets the credit opportunities from the bank. I’d raise a request about junk calls too, but the people who set up the companies that make junk calls probably died years ago and it is all AI now. RIP MJ.

That’s all for now, just wanted to share some pleasant thoughts to the 3 people who still read this space. I am doing fine, have refilled my prescriptions with my doctor in one of the two states I go to while preparing for alternate care if I’m not in the first state I live in as much in 2025. In other words, still vertical when I shouldn’t be, and reacting to a song on repeat with great lines about college earning “the big D” and “would you like us to assign someone to worry your mother?”. I should be horizontal now.