Archive for the ‘Sudo-Kurve’ Category:

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #135 – Sudo-Kurve

Sudo-Kurve by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Corners

Rules: Standard Sudo-Kurve rules.

Answer String: Enter the “row” marked A, followed by a comma, followed by the “row” marked B.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 1:30, Master = 2:30, Expert = 5:00

Solution: PDF

Ask Dr. Sudoku #7 – Twisted Geometries

There is no Doctor’s Note this week.

Seventh in a series with puzzle solving tips. This time with advice on exploring unusual puzzle geometries such as the Saturday Sudo-Kurve.

When you’ve solved enough 3d Sudoku or Sudo-Kurve puzzles or other unique geometries (as in Sudoku Masterpieces), you’ve probably recognized there are sometimes cells or sets of cells that are much more constrained than others in the construction. This Sudo-Kurve grid, which I used in Sudoku Cup 3 and only one other time since, has some secrets to observe before getting too deep into any puzzle.


Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #42 – Sudo-Kurve

Sudo-Kurve by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Totally Twisted: a challenging grid shape

Rules: Standard Sudo-Kurve rules.

Answer String: Enter the “row” marked A, followed by a comma, followed by the “row” marked B.

Time Standard: Sudo-Kurve Grandmaster = 9:00, Master = 15:00, Expert = 30:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Advice on solving this puzzle has now been posted in “Ask Dr. Sudoku #7

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #40 – Sudo-Kurve

Sudo-Kurve by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Happy Valentine’s Day – a heart of given numbers inside a heart-shaped grid.

Rules: Standard Sudo-Kurve rules.

Answer String: Enter the “row” marked A, followed by a comma, followed by the “row” marked B.

Time Standard: Sudo-Kurve Grandmaster = 4:00, Master = 6:15, Expert = 12:30

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #38 – Sudo-Kurve

Sudo-Kurve by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: A simple start: a Sudo-Kurve with just three regions.

Rules: Standard Sudo-Kurve rules.

Answer String: Enter the “row” marked A, followed by a comma, followed by the “row” marked B.

Time Standard: Sudo-Kurve Grandmaster = 0:45, Master = 1:20, Expert = 2:40

Solution: PDF