Pentominonogram by Elyot Grant
or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools).
Theme: 11V
Author/Opus: This is the 6th puzzle from guest contributor Elyot Grant.
Rules: Shade some cells so that the numbers outside the grid indicate the groups of consecutive black cells which are in that row/column in order, either from left to right or from top to bottom. There must be at least one white cell between any consecutive shaded groups. Rows and columns without outside clues can have any pattern of shaded and unshaded cells. Also, all the shaded cells must be able to be split into the eleven given pentomino shapes. Pentominoes may be flipped and/or rotated.
Difficulty: 2.5 stars
Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:15, Master = 4:45, Expert = 9:30
Solution: PDF and solving video.
Note: Follow this link for other less common Shading puzzles.