Archive for the ‘Puzzle Hunt’ Category:

Ready Layer One by Thomas Snyder

Any errors are of my own volition and are the portals of discovery.

(download directly for a larger image)

Artist’s note added 12/23 at 6:28PM: This image, an information network presented in artistic and mathematical form has an alternate title called “Portrait of the Artist’s Brain at Middle Age”. The network includes puzzles and possible seeds for puzzles as well as tests of new network structures to test memory, cognition, and a lot more.

This trailhead and all following work were constructed with the constraints of 1 day for the main puzzle (above) and the rest of the week to finish other content whether traditional puzzles, new types of puzzles, meta-puzzles, and so on. More details are not being shared as over 80% of that content, and at least very clear but still “unfinished” works appropriate for posting at least visually, exist within the full opus and a publication plan will be made in early 2025. Besides the puzzle and art constraints, the author followed a testing/accountability plan for connection with close contacts and medical care team that Thomas established through 2024 to be able to get back to doing great science again. “Party Report” is an example of a playful message that should work best for children and those with open eyes who dream of playing “The Game” with super complexity and the artist wanted a story of how his brain did pull in many notable social, societal, political and other themes into what was otherwise an unconstrained topical work. Importantly, it also includes a soundtrack listing for his team to see to ensure mental wellness. On the other hand, a lot of things may seem like noise. No puzzle, for instance, was forced to have the answer COVFEFE. But maybe the uninterpretability made it a curious answer to try to use a lot showing the relevance of journeys to answers, and the skills and intelligence gained along the way.

The author wanted the downturn phase (when one transitions from learning/doing a problem to having solved it and teaching) to include an unconstrained (certainly unpredictable) experience while returning to his more normal medium of fragile humanity. “Penny for your Thoughts” is a separate opus, but should not be presented except as a margin note of the “Ready Layer One”. Many other puzzles including the Motivational Posters, with progressive simplicity and hints and eventually full solutions accessible at the start are meant to stop the rush of people bringing up mental illness to allow the rest to enjoy some phenomenal puzzles, sharing a love with their friend and vice-versa, while also still highlighting the importance of acknowledging mental illness in the creation of these works too (just not at the times people expected).

Microsoft Puzzle Hunt Bonus (4/4): MESSENGER by Thomas Snyder

See these earlier posts 1, 2, and 3 for the other Microsoft Puzzle Hunt challenges

Puzzle PDF

Author/Opus: This is the 433rd puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.

1. How do I get started? Pbafvqre gur fvatyr pryy ahzorerq fdhnerf dhvgr pnershyyl gb uryc svther bhg jung xvaq bs chmmyr guvf vf.
2. How do I solve this? Guvf vf n UVQNGB chmmyr jvgu ahzrevpny pbafgenvagf nf va n GbzGbz/Pnyphqbxh npebff pryyf. Sbe rknzcyr, gur 8÷ pntr pbagnvaf n 3 naq 24 (nf 24/3 = 8).
3. How do I get a final answer? Gur sbhe ? fdhnerf pbagnva gur inyhrf 46, 73, 85, naq 97 va fbzr beqre. Ohg gurfr inyhrf jba’g or nf vzcbegnag gb svavfu gur chmmyr nf gur cngu gb trg guebhtu gurz.

Solution: PDF

Answer String: Enter the final answer (a word or phrase) in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS without spaces to confirm. There may be intermediate answer phrases that are not the final answer; our answer checker is not able to send the message “Keep going” like the Microsoft Hunt solving software does so if you do not see what you expect, treat it like “Keep going” and potentially send an email to us or watch out for hints.

Microsoft Puzzle Hunt Bonus (3/4): KIBŌ by Thomas Snyder

See these earlier posts 1, 2 for the other Microsoft Puzzle Hunt challenges

Puzzle PDF

Author/Opus: This is the 432nd puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.

Hints (in rot13):
1. How do I get started? Gurfr ner bcrengvbayrff GbzGbz/XraXra chmmyrf, rnpu jvgu n havdhr vagrtre frg gnxvat svir inyhrf sebz 1-25 naq ab inyhr funerq npebff tevqf.
2. I’m stumped. How do I break into the puzzles? Znal pyhrf ner cynlshyyl qrprcgvir. 49 qbrf ybbx yvxr 7 gvzrf 7 gvzrf 1. Ohg vg pna nyfb or bgure fhzf yvxr 2K cyhf 2K cyhf L. Nyy guerr 49 pntrf va gurfr nafjref unir n ercrngrq ahzore. Vg znl nyfb uryc gb xabj gur bcrengvbaf sebz yrsg gb evtug va gur frpbaq ebjf ner {+, +, ×}, {+, ×, +}, {+, ×, -}, {-, +, ×}, naq {÷, +, -} va fbzr beqrevat bs gur tevqf.
3. How do I get a final answer? Juvyr gur tevqf ner tvira va {1,?,?,?,?} gb {5,?,?,?,?} beqre — jryy {1,7,8,14,17} gb {5,9,10,13,22} beqre — fbzrguvat ryfr va gur tevqf jvyy freir nf n orggre jnl gb svaq n bar-gb-svir beqrevat urer. Ybbx ng gur fnzr cbfvgvbaf jura ernqvat npebff tevqf ng gur raq gb trg n urycshy vafgehpgvba.

Solution: PDF

Answer String: Enter the final answer (a word or phrase) in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS without spaces to confirm. There may be intermediate answer phrases that are not the final answer; our answer checker is not able to send the message “Keep going” like the Microsoft Hunt solving software does so if you do not see what you expect, treat it like “Keep going” and potentially send an email to us or watch out for hints.

Microsoft Puzzle Hunt Bonus (2/4): KEPLER by Thomas Snyder

Puzzle PDF

Author/Opus: This is the 431st puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.

Hints: (in rot13):
1. What are these strange puzzle types? Gurl’er glcrf bs ybtvp chmmyrf. Vs lbh frnepu sbe gurve anzrf ba guvf fvgr, gurer ner qrfpevcgvbaf, ubj gb fbyir thvqrf, naq rira ivqrbf.
2. How do I get started? Frira chmmyr glcrf jvgu whfg fvk tevqf? Lbh’yy svefg jnag gb svther bhg ubj rnpu tevq pna havdhryl fbyir nf whfg bar bs gubfr chmmyr glcrf, naq guebhtu fbyivat gur chmmyr vqragvsl gur ? inyhrf juvpu, va nyy pnfrf, ner abg arrqrq gb svaq gur fbyhgvba rkprcg sbe gur snpg gurl ner n pyhr pryy naq va fbzr fglyrf pnaabg or funqrq bire be orybat jvgu nabgure pyhr va na vfynaq/erpgnatyr.
3. How do I figure out which puzzle is which type? Gur tevqf jvgu gur srjrfg pyhrf ner Ahevxnor naq Fuvxnxh naq gur tevq jvgu gur zbfg pyhrf vf n Svyybzvab. Gur erznvavat guerr ner fcyvg npebff Pnir, Xhebznfh, naq Xhebggb. N xrl ybtvpny qrqhpgvba sbe Pnir vf gung lbh pna arire svyy va n purpxreobneq yvxr 2k2 cnggrea bs oynpx naq juvgr fdhnerf (be ryfr lbh jvyy ivbyngr gur pbaarpgvivgl ehyrf). Fb sbphf ba fbzr bs gur 2 pyhrf jvgu qvntbanyyl nqwnprag arvtuobef gb vqragvsl juvpu chmmyr zhfg or gur Pnir.
4. Which puzzle is which type? Sebz hccre yrsg gb ybjre evtug, gur chmmyr glcrf ner: Ahevxnor, Xhebggb; Xhebznfh, Pnir; Svyybzvab; Fuvxnxh.
5. How do I solve the bottom one on the left? Gur obggbz bar ba gur yrsg vf n Svyybzvab chmmyr. Vg znl or n irel uneq chmmyr gb fbyir hagvy lbh erpbtavmr gur tvira pyhrf nyernql nppbhag sbe ng yrnfg 30 (fvk svirf) + 30 (svir fvkrf) + 21 (guerr friraf) pryyf jbegu bs cbylbzvab tebhcf.
6. How do I get a final answer? Gur dhrfgvba znexf va gur qvssrerag tevqf jvyy fgnaq sbe {1,1,6}, {1,2,3,4}, {2,2,3,4}, {2,3,3,5}, {3,3,4,6}, naq {5,6,6,7} juvpu znl uryc vs lbh unir whfg n pbhcyr yrsg hafbyirq. Hfr gurfr inyhrf gb perngr gur 7gu zvffvat chmmyr, gura fbyir vg.

Solution: PDF

Answer String: Enter the final answer (a word or phrase) in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS without spaces to confirm. There may be intermediate answer phrases that are not the final answer; our answer checker is not able to send the message “Keep going” like the Microsoft Hunt solving software does so if you do not see what you expect, treat it like “Keep going” and potentially send an email to us or watch out for hints.

[Note: The remaining two Microsoft Puzzle Hunt puzzles will be released on upcoming future Sundays (starting Jan 29) since these are involved puzzles to solve and harder than our usual weekday content.]

Microsoft Puzzle Hunt Bonus (1/4): EXPLORER by Thomas Snyder

[More comments about the site below; for now, here is the first of four puzzles that I wrote for last year’s Microsoft Puzzle Hunt. Our “Binary Earth” round had paired puzzles that would look similar with a “large thing” and a set of “small things” to look at. This is the easiest puzzle of the set, entitled EXPLORER. Just as at the Microsoft Puzzle Hunt, it is presented solely as a PDF with no specific instructions. I will add hints each day as I also release the other 3 puzzles I wrote for that Hunt this week.]

Puzzle PDF

Author/Opus: This is the 430th puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.

Hints (in rot13):
1. What is this puzzle? Gur zrffntr vf qrfpevovat n “Zvarfjrrcre (Cragbzvab)” chmmyr naq gur hahfhny sbeznggvat jvyy or vzcbegnag nsgre fbyivat gung chmmyr (ohg abg orsber).
2. How do I get started? Orpnhfr cragbzvabrf unir znal pbaarpgrq pryyf, fbzr bs gur zbfg xrl pyhrf gb ybbx ng ner gur 1’f va qvssrerag ertvbaf bs gur tevq nf lbh pbafvqre funcrf. Fbzr bs gur cragbzvabrf ng gur gbc ner gur Y, C, naq M juvyr fbzr bs gur cragbzvabrf ng gur obggbz ner gur V, A, naq I.
3. I finished the first part. What now? Rnpu cragbzvab unf n ynory, naq gung zvtug uryc lbh xabj jurer gb ybbx gb svaq bhg jung gb qb ng gur raq.
4. How do I get a final answer? Ernq gur yrggref haqre gur cragbzvab ynoryf gb trg n 12-yrggre vafgehpgvba, gura sbyybj gung vafgehpgvba jvgu gur cragbzvabrf, znxvat ab bgure punatrf, gb erirny gur nafjre.

Solution: PDF

Answer String: Enter the final answer (a word or phrase) in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS without spaces to confirm. There may be intermediate answer phrases that are not the final answer; our answer checker is not able to send the message “Keep going” like the Microsoft Hunt solving software does so if you do not see what you expect, treat it like “Keep going” and potentially send an email to us or watch out for hints.

[Note: I had a very busy weekend, including some mental health care which took me offline completely for 4 days, so have not reformatted the puzzles for this week yet or made the second “Smashing the Sudoku” video either. Amazingly, those busy weekends did not include full completion of the USPC or any participation in the MIT Mystery Hunt so things must be pretty serious for me right now. Reflecting on some of the comments from my post last Thursday, I do not want this site to go completely dark during my sabbatical year, but it may be less predictable when content gets added until we have our other puzzlemasters able to do web tasks more. That said, I also don’t think we need to release more free web puzzles without a new platform that can really grow our audience. Our planning for 2023+ has kicked off in a new GMPuzzles Discord channel that we will open up to authors/top fans soon.]

A/B Testing

Dear friends,

This weekend is the MIT Mystery Hunt and Grandmaster Puzzles is very happy to be a sponsor of this puzzle event in 2020.

If you are new to this site, there are lots of different fun genres of logic puzzles to explore and you can follow some of the links to the left to find these genres including our easiest puzzles to get started. The Intro to GMPuzzles and Logic Puzzles 101 books are some great titles to try as well.

As part of the pre-Hunt activities for the team I compete with, I created the attached puzzle set in the style of a Mystery Hunt puzzle. Like most puzzlehunt puzzles, it is missing some of the instructions you may want to have but I think you may still be able to figure it out. It has a final answer which is a word/phrase. We will post some hints and/or the answer in the coming weeks.

Puzzle PDF for A/B Testing

Teaser image 1 = Framed!:

A/B Testing by Thomas Snyder

Teaser image 2 = Easy as 1, 2, 3:

A/B Testing by Thomas Snyder

Solution: Puzzle solution packet; or full solution including steps to final message.


This is a puzzle-hunt style puzzle, prepared for an evening event at the World Puzzle Championship. There are no instructions; finding out what to do is part of the puzzle. Some UK cultural knowledge may be required.


Author/Opus: This is the 289th puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.

Answer String: Enter the final answer of the puzzle in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

Solution: PDF

Border Patrol by Thomas Snyder

This is a puzzle-hunt style puzzle, prepared for an evening event at the World Puzzle Championship. There are no instructions; finding out what to do is part of the puzzle. Some US cultural knowledge may be required.

Border Patrol PDF

Author/Opus: This is the 288th puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.

Answer String: Enter the final answer of the puzzle, a single word, in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

Solution: PDF

Update 1: Hidden Puzzle in the Snake Pit

See this PDF for the full week of Snake Pit puzzles from Carl Worth.

If you noticed anything unusual about the puzzles this week, it probably wasn’t an accident. Carl has hidden an additional puzzle within the six Snake Pits. Find and solve that puzzle to determine some counsel he’d like to share with you, perhaps something to use when approaching puzzles like these.

The final answer to the hidden puzzle consists of eight characters (specifically four CAPITAL letters followed by four numbers). Nothing outside of the six Snake Pits has any bearing on the hidden puzzle, including this text.

Simple Loop+ by Grant Fikes

Simple Loop by Grant Fikes


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between linex mode where left click+drag draws lines and right click marks X’s, and a shading mode.)

Theme: Birthday Mystery

Author/Opus: This is the 108th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Grant Fikes.

Rules: Draw a single loop of horizontal and vertical segments that passes through all of the white cells (and only the white cells) exactly once. Like last week’s puzzles, there is also a second puzzle style that this grid can be solved as. Doing so will help you find a secret answer word.

Answer String: Enter the final answer word in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.

Solution: PDF

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 4:15, Master = 7:00, Expert = 14:00