All the puzzles from last week have been grouped in this PDF.
We have now launched our e-book store. This is a secured, PayPal-based ordering system and right now contains the first 4 (of 5) parts of “The Art of Puzzles”. You can get an individual part of The Art of Puzzles for $4, or the entire collection for $16. If you start by buying individual parts, the cost to complete the collection will continue to decrease (-> $12 -> $8 -> $4) so you can choose to try a few before you buy them all. If you have a solving account for the website already, that should work as your log-in to get to the secure store page. Once you purchase an e-book you will be able to download it anytime in the future by logging in to this account. As this is a new feature for us, if you run into any problems please email us using the link at the bottom of the page. We’ll be announcing more titles and a release schedule soon.
Puzzle-wise, this week highlights two things: an author and a championship. We’ll be posting six puzzles from Bram de Laat, a talented puzzle solver and author from the Netherlands. His puzzles are “extras” from the Indian Puzzle Championship as Bram made two puzzles of each type to allow the organizers some choice. The “extras” are actually some of the better puzzles, but also harder which probably motivated the competition choice. So be prepared for a harder week than usual. We will also have some bonus posts which highlight other Indian Puzzle Championship puzzles from GMPuzzle authors.
The exact schedule is this (highlight to view):
Monday (AM): Battleships by Bram de Laat
Monday (PM): Star Battle variation by Prasanna Seshadri
Tuesday (AM): Slitherlink by Bram de Laat
Tuesday (PM): Cross the Streams by Grant Fikes
Wednesday (AM): Slitherlink (Toroidal) by Bram de Laat
Wednesday (PM): Pentominous by Prasanna Seshadri
Thursday (AM): Araf by Bram de Laat
Thursday (PM): Word Nurikabe by Thomas Snyder
Friday (AM): Araf (Different Neighbors) by Bram de Laat
Friday (PM): TomTom by Grant Fikes
Saturday (AM): Battleships (Observers) by Bram de Laat
Saturday (PM): TomTom (Cipher) by Thomas Snyder
The bonus puzzle for our high-level supporters will be a Star Battle by Thomas Snyder.