Archive for the ‘Schedule’ Category:

Schedule for Next Week

A PDF of the recent “unofficial” week of selected puzzles from Thomas Snyder from the Puzzle Grand Prix (+ one birthday surprise from Grant) can be found here.

This upcoming week features puzzles from six different guest contributors, including some classics and some new variations. The full schedule is:

Monday: Nurikabe by Izak Bulten
Tuesday: LOTS by Bryce Herdt
Wednesday: Araf by Joseph Howard
Thursday: Pentosnake by Nikolai Beluhov
Friday: Snake Pit X by Takeya Saikachi
Saturday: Yajilin by David Olmsted

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus Cave by Murat Can Tonta, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Thursday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

Upcoming Puzzle Events and Other News

The recent Patrons Week of puzzles can be found in this PDF.

This coming weekend is the US Round for the WPF Puzzle Grand Prix. There are 35 puzzles by Thomas Snyder split across three different rounds. The A and B rounds include the ten “The Art of Puzzles” styles while the C round has some less common styles like Numberlink and Letter Pairs. Given the range of difficulties, there should be something fun for everyone. We’ll post some of the highlights from the competition next week after the competition closes.

This coming Saturday is also the US Sudoku Qualifier.

We’re working to get another e-book and another print book released this soon. Come back next weekend for more details.

Schedule for Next Week

The recent LITS and Double LITS week can be found in this PDF. If you enjoyed this week, you’ll find 25 more LITS and 25 more Double LITS puzzles in The Art of Puzzles 2 section recently added to our estore.

This coming week is another Patrons’ Week with puzzle styles requested by our top patrons. The difficulty is higher than usual. Our patrons will also be receiving a bonus Fillomino by Grant Fikes, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Friday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

Schedule for Next Week

This week we’ve added the LITS section of The Art of Puzzles 2 to our estore, and we are marking the week with six original puzzles including LITS and Double LITS as in that 50 puzzle e-book.

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus LITS (Liar) by Grant Fikes, access to puzzle solutions, and a written walkthrough of the Friday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

[Note: We swapped the order of the next Patrons’ Week with this LITS week to make sure we had puzzles ready on time today. Next Sunday will feature the Patrons’ Week collection.]

Schedule for Next Week

The recent mini-week of puzzle “leftovers” can be found in this PDF.

This week we’ve added the Yajilin section of The Art of Puzzles 2 to our estore, and we are marking the week with six original puzzles including Yajilin and Double Yajilin as in that 50 puzzle e-book.

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus Yajilin (Total False) by Murat Can Tonta, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Wednesday and Saturday puzzles. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

Schedule for Next Week

The recent week of puzzle variations from six of our puzzlemasters can be found in this PDF.

This upcoming week is an unofficial mini-week with some of my “leftovers” that didn’t fit perfectly into the projects I initially wrote them for. Each is a little different, and a couple are very hard with fairly narrow solving paths; I hope you enjoy them.

The full schedule is:
Monday: LITS by Thomas Snyder
Wednesday: Cave by Thomas Snyder
Friday: Skyscrapers by Thomas Snyder
Saturday: TomTom by Thomas Snyder

Schedule for Next Week

The recent week of Tapa Variations by Serkan Yürekli can be found in this PDF.

This upcoming week features puzzles from six different GMPuzzles puzzlemasters, with a mini-theme connecting three of the puzzles based on Battleships. The full schedule is:

Monday: Pentominous by Murat Can Tonta
Tuesday: Battleships by Thomas Snyder
Wednesday: Yajilin-Battleships by Serkan Yürekli
Thursday: Killer Sudoku by Grant Fikes
Friday: Tapa-Like Loop by Prasanna Seshadri
Saturday: Starship Battle by Carl Worth

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus Minesweeper by John Bulten, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

Note: We’re busy finalizing the US round for the Puzzle Grand Prix competition so we will probably be taking one or two weeks off before the next set of puzzles is posted.

Schedule for Next Week

Last week’s combination of Masyu and Fillomino puzzles can be found in this PDF.

This upcoming week features some puzzle variations from Serkan Yürekli, specifically six Tapa variations chosen from the top styles from Serkan’s Tapa Variations Contests. There are many interesting puzzles this week, just as you’d expect from the author of the Classic Puzzles and Variations series.

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus Pentapa by Serkan, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of one of the puzzles. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

Schedule for Next Week

The most recent Patrons’ week of puzzles can be found in this PDF.

This upcoming week brings together classic puzzle and variations in two genres: Masyu and Fillomino. Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus Pentominous by Murat Can Tonta, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. please click here for more info.

Also, check back here towards the end of the week for a special puzzle from Prasanna Seshadri.

Schedule for Next Week

Our last week of puzzles from guest contributors can be found in this PDF.

This upcoming week is another “Patrons’ week”, featuring requested puzzle styles from our top patrons. As usual for these patrons’ weeks, the difficulty is on the higher end.

Monday: Tapa (Borders) by Murat Can Tonta
Tuesday: Castle Wall by Prasanna Seshadri
Wednesday: Fillomino by Grant Fikes
Thursday: SLICY by Thomas Snyder
Friday: Arrow/Shape/Thermo-Sudoku by Prasanna Seshadri
Saturday: Japanese Sums by Serkan Yürekli

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus LITS by Carl Worth, access to puzzle solutions, and a written walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

PS: Our webmaster has been working on the solver widget and it looks like it may be back online again. Please tell us if you are having any issues with the widget and, if so, what browsers you are using. You might have to clear your cache or do a hard refresh (Ctrl+F5) to see the updated widget.