Schedule for Next Week
Over the next two weeks, every other day starting Tuesday, we will have some pentomino puzzles from Serkan Yürekli. Enjoy!
Over the next two weeks, every other day starting Tuesday, we will have some pentomino puzzles from Serkan Yürekli. Enjoy!
Last week’s full set of Fillomino and Nanro from Grant Fikes can be found in this PDF.
We will be taking a few weeks off from posting puzzles to work on some other projects.
Next week will have a set of puzzles from Grant Fikes, specifically some Fillomino and some Nanro puzzles.
Last week’s “inspired by” collection from guest contributors is in this PDF.
As a reminder, there will be no new puzzles this week. A full week of puzzles from Grant Fikes will be coming for 9/28-10/3.
Last week’s Tapa variations from Serkan Yürekli are gathered in this PDF.
Next week will have a set of puzzles that were “inspired” by other authors’ creations. All of the puzzles are on the harder end of the difficulty scale. The exact schedule is:
Tuesday: Easy as Skyscraper by Dan Katz, inspired by Craig Kasper
Thursday: Slitherlink (Sudoku) by Carl Worth, inspired by Scott Handelman
Saturday: S as in Sudoku by Bryce Herdt, inspired by Thomas Snyder
Note: There will be no new puzzles during the week of 9/21-9/27.
The second week of Indian Puzzle Championship puzzles from Prasanna Seshadri is in this PDF.
This week we have a set of Tapa Variations from the genre’s creator, Serkan Yürekli. The exact schedule is:
Tuesday: Tapa (Line)
Thursday: Tapa (Islands)
Saturday: Tapa (Star)
The first week of Indian Puzzle Championship puzzles from Prasanna Seshadri is in this PDF.
This second (of two) weeks of IPC puzzles features variations and less common puzzles by Prasanna Seshadri:
Monday: Easy as LITS
Tuesday: Balance Loop
Wednesday: Easy as ABC
Thursday: Balance Loop
Friday: Easy as ABC Numbers
Saturday: Tapa (Fill-in)
(I still have a massive backlog of things to do since my move because I’m really dedicating most of my time and energy to my new position with Google Life Sciences. So for those looking for more site updates, you’ll still need to wait. For now I can finally write up a report on our Hidden Contest from late March.)
John Bulten’s debut week was quite ambitious and challenging even before considering the equally ambitious and challenging hidden contest that ran through the entire week. Every contributing grandmaster is given complete freedom to design a debut week of puzzles. Despite this freedom, a certain theme has come up each time. This inspired John’s hidden contest. Read on to see what was going on:
Last week’s nonconsecutive puzzle collection is in this PDF.
Over the next two weeks we will be highlighting Prasanna Seshadri’s contributions to the Indian Puzzle Championship. The specific schedule is this:
Monday – Wednesday: Statue Park
Thursday – Saturday: Kakuro
Last week’s collection of challenging Sudoku from Prasanna Seshadri is in this PDF.
This next week is a themed set of “nonconsecutive” puzzles that will run on four consecutive days. The specific schedule is this:
Tuesday: Fillomino (non-consecutive) by Grant Fikes
Wednesday: Nanro (non-consecutive) by Grant Fikes
Thursday: Fillomino (non-consecutive) by Grant Fikes
Friday: Nonconsecutive Sudoku by Thomas Snyder