Archive for the ‘Other Posts’ Category:

Schedule for Next Week

Last week’s Skyscrapers puzzle mix can be found in this PDF.

Today we are releasing a new e-book, A Number of Nanro by Prasanna Seshadri, which contains a great mix of Nanro and Nanro Signpost puzzles. Our next week of puzzles will also feature Nanro from other authors to highlight this interesting shading style.

This week, Master+ subscribers to the site are getting a bonus Nanro by Serkan Yürekli, a Nanro Signpost by Thomas Snyder, and images of the puzzle solutions. Our Grandmaster subscribers also got a copy of A Number of Nanro earlier last week. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Last week’s variety mix that revisited some earlier themes from 2018 can be found in this PDF.

Our next week of puzzles features the Number Placement genre Skyscrapers, with some classic puzzles and a few variations.

This week, Master+ subscribers to the site are getting a bonus Skyscrapers Possibilities variation by Serkan Yürekli, a hard 7×7 Skyscrapers by Dan Katz, and images of the puzzle solutions. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Our last week of Minesweeper puzzles and variations can be found in this PDF.

Our next week of puzzles features a variety mix, revisiting our last few months of puzzle styles and themes. You’ll find another two digit Tapa, a new slice of pi, and the return (for the third, most challenging time) of a familiar TomTom, amongst other puzzles.

This week, Master+ subscribers to the site are getting a bonus 10×18 Tapa by John Bulten, a 10×18 Yajilin by Murat Can Tonta, images of the puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Our most recent week of Yajilin puzzles and variations can be found in this PDF.

This week we will have a mix of classic Minesweeper and some variations. Minesweeper is part of The Art of Puzzles 2 and we have just added this book section to our e-store (our Grandmaster subscribers received this e-book several weeks ago; the best way to get all of our content is to become a subscriber).

This week, Master+ subscribers to the site are getting two bonus Minesweepers by Serkan Yürekli, as well as images of the puzzle solutions. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Our most recent variety mix week of puzzles can be found in this PDF.

This week we focus on the loop puzzle style Yajilin, part of The Art of Puzzles 2. We will have a mix of classic Yajilin and a couple variations for you.

Master+ subscribers to the site are getting two bonus Yajilin, one by Grant Fikes and the other by Prasanna Seshadri, as well as images of the puzzle solutions. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Our most recent week of Sudoku puzzles and variations can be found in this PDF.

This week we have a variety mix of puzzles across genres from three of our grandmasters. The specific schedule is:
Monday: Statue Park by Murat Can Tonta
Tuesday: Skyscrapers by Serkan Yürekli
Wednesday: Fillomino by Grant Fikes
Thursday: Snake Pit by Serkan Yürekli
Friday: Minesweeper (Pentomino) by Murat Can Tonta
Saturday: Masyu (Giant) by Grant Fikes

Master+ subscribers to the site are getting a bonus Kurotto and a 258 Outside Sudoku, both by Prasanna Seshadri, as well as images of the puzzle solutions. Grandmaster subscribers are also getting a new e-book this week, the Minesweeper section of The Art of Puzzles 2, which will be released in our estore in a few weeks. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Our “Sunday Surprise” from John Bulten that turned into a week of shading puzzles can be found here.

This week we are featuring Sudoku and some variations. Over this year we will publish a few large sudoku collections and this week showcases some special sudoku similar to those upcoming books.

Master+ subscribers to the site are getting a bonus Sudoku by Thomas Snyder and a Skyscrapers Sudoku by Prasanna Seshadri as well as images of the puzzle solutions. Grandmaster subscribers are also getting a giant Samurai Sudoku by Serkan Yürekli. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Our most recent week focused on Pentominous puzzles can be found in this PDF.

We have a slight update to our schedule; the next regular week of puzzles, featuring Sudoku, will come next Sunday (and as a result we will not have any “gap weeks” as we continue with new puzzles for each of the next five weeks). This week, in place of the original Sudoku week, we will share a special Quintessence puzzle set from John Bulten which was a Sunday Surprise puzzle that grew into a full week’s experience. This starts over the next four days with four new shading puzzles/variations, building to a large challenge at the end of the week.

Schedule for Next Week

You can find all the slices of Pi from our most recent week of puzzles in this PDF.

This week we are featuring Pentominous, which is the style of our most recent puzzle e-book “Plenty o’ Pentominous” by Grant Fikes and Murat Can Tonta. If you enjoy this week of puzzles, please get this collection of 52 original puzzles including several 15×15 grids and one giant puzzle.

This week contains a few extras, including two extra puzzles on Friday and Saturday. There is also one easter egg hidden somewhere in this week’s puzzles which, if you find it, will tell you what word to enter here.

Master+ subscribers to the site are getting a bonus Pentominous by Thomas Snyder and a Cave (Pentominous) variation by Serkan Yürekli as well as images of the puzzle solutions. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.

Schedule for Next Week

Our most recent week focused on Tapa puzzles can be found in this PDF.

After holding back on “Pi Day” puzzles for the last several years (maybe some of us prefer Tau Day?), this week we will have a full “Pi Week” with 6 different slices of Pi from our contributing puzzlemasters.

Master+ subscribers to the site are getting two more Pi-themed puzzles from Serkan Yürekli as well as images of the puzzle solutions and a video walkthrough of the Friday puzzle. Last weekend our Grandmaster subscribers also got an early look at the new puzzle collection “Intro to GMPuzzles” which will be released here in the next month or two. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.