Archive for the ‘News’ Category:

Changes with our use of Patreon

TL;DR – We’re leaving Patreon, but will set up subscription options soon on the site for those who still want to get all of our content, including bonus puzzles and e-books.


New Puzzle Books

We’ve just released a new print book and a new e-book from our Grandmaster Puzzles authors.

Logic Puzzles 101: Previously released as an ebook, this collection of 101 puzzles including Masyu, Slitherlink, Yajilin, Nurikabe, and Fillomino from Grant Fikes is now available in paperback form. Find it at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other fine retailers.

Slitherlink and Variations: New to our e-store is this fourth part to Serkan Yürekli’s Classics and Variations series featuring 13 new classic Slitherlink (including 1 giant puzzle) and 40 new puzzles spread across 10 variations that will truly test your loop drawing skills.

Upcoming Puzzle Events and Other News

The recent Patrons Week of puzzles can be found in this PDF.

This coming weekend is the US Round for the WPF Puzzle Grand Prix. There are 35 puzzles by Thomas Snyder split across three different rounds. The A and B rounds include the ten “The Art of Puzzles” styles while the C round has some less common styles like Numberlink and Letter Pairs. Given the range of difficulties, there should be something fun for everyone. We’ll post some of the highlights from the competition next week after the competition closes.

This coming Saturday is also the US Sudoku Qualifier.

We’re working to get another e-book and another print book released this soon. Come back next weekend for more details.

Site Update

The recent week of Yajilin and Double Yajilin puzzles can be found in this PDF.

I’ve been a bit slowed by illness recently, so the next week of puzzles will come in May. We’re working on another Patrons’ Week of requested puzzles and on a week featuring LITS and Double LITS puzzles, the next section in The Art of Puzzles 2.

Update 2: New e-books: Logic Puzzles 101 and Snake & Variations

In the last week of 2016 we added two new titles to our e-book store.

Logic Puzzles 101

Logic Puzzles 101, from Grant Fikes, contains 101 hand-crafted puzzles to teach the art of logic for Masyu, Slitherlink, Yajilin, Nurikabe, and Fillomino puzzles. While we won’t have any new puzzles on the site this week, you can explore this 5-puzzle teaser with the easiest puzzles from each section.

Snake & Variations from Serkan Yürekli continues the successful series of classic puzzles and variations that started with Tapa and Kakuro titles. If you haven’t gotten enough of snakes after our recent Snake Pit week, please explore this new title with dozens of interesting Snake puzzles.

Site update to https

Quick note that we’re migrating our webpages to use https instead of http and cleaning up other minor things as we enter 2017. The only major issue we’ve identified in going to https is with the solving applet hosted by thegriddle (to clarify: the way you input solutions and add favorites) which will not load unless http connections are allowed. We expect a fix to this issue in 2017 so that all content can be loaded securely.

If you encounter other site issues over the next week, please comment here or send a private message so we can address them as quickly as possible.

Update: Expanded eBook Store

We’ve recently completed an expansion of our eBook store, adding in several titles that up to now were only available to our Grandmaster-level supporters.

Joining our existing titles available in PDF form, The Art of Sudoku and The Art of Puzzles, are these fun collections:

Colossal Cave Collection by Roger Barkan – 100 hand-crafted Cave puzzles with hints to solve all of the puzzles.

Tapa and Variations by Serkan Yürekli – 65 puzzles includes 17 new classic Tapa (including 1 giant), 36 new puzzles spread across 9 variations, and 12 favorites from past puzzle competitions.

Kakuro and Variations by Serkan Yürekli – 77 puzzles includes 13 new classic Kakuro (including 1 giant), 56 new puzzles spread across 7 variations, and 8 favorites from past puzzle competitions.

LOTS O’ LITS by Grant Fikes and Prasanna Seshadri – 41 LITS puzzles including 2 giant puzzles. Also includes hints to help solve all the puzzles.

Fill o’ Fillomino by Grant Fikes – 40 Fillomino puzzles including 5 giant puzzles.

Tapa-Like Loop Collection by Prasanna Seshadri – 34 Tapa-Like Loop puzzles, including one giant puzzle.

We’ll be highlighting some of these titles more in the coming weeks, as well as releasing two more collections before the start of 2017.

Come back on 12/5 for our next week of web puzzles.


We’ve been doing some late “spring cleaning” around GMPuzzles, editing some Giant puzzles and e-books for our patrons. Our next week of puzzles will start on July 18th with two variations that have appeared on recent United States Puzzles Championships.

Reminder: US Round for WPF Puzzle Grand Prix

This weekend is the US round for the WPF Puzzle Grand Prix. It features a lot of puzzles from me and other GMPuzzles contributors including a special “Escape the Grand Prix” casual section. Please check it out.

Best of 2015

We’re working to compile our Best of 2015 puzzles this week and will return after the new year with those posts.