TomTom by Thomas Snyder
See more discussion of the puzzles from the United States’ 2021 Puzzle Grand Prix on this post. Note there are some construction details and potential spoilers on that post so view it after you solve.
or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)
Author/Opus: This is the 406th puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.
Rules: Standard TomTom rules, using the integers 1-7.
Difficulty: 4 stars (estimate based off competition points; timing standards not available from our usual testers)
Solution: PDF
Note: Follow this link for classic TomTom and this link for TomTom variations. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest TomTom to get started on. More TomTom puzzles can be found in the TomTom collection, in The Art of Puzzles, and in our beginner-friendly collection Intro to GMPuzzles by Serkan Yürekli.