Snake Pit X by Prasanna Seshadri
or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between a composite mode for line/edge drawing and a number entry mode.)
Theme: Surrounded
Author/Opus: This is the 236th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Prasanna Seshadri.
Rules: (Hybrid of Fillomino and Snake Puzzles.) Divide the grid along the boundary lines so that every cell belongs to a snake. A snake is a one-cell-wide path at least two cells long that does not touch itself, not even diagonally. Circled cells must be at one of the ends of a snake. A snake may contain one circled cell, two circled cells, or no circled cells at all. Numbered cells must be part of a snake with a length of exactly that number of cells. A snake may contain one number, multiple identical numbers, or no numbers at all. Two snakes of the same length cannot touch each other horizontally or vertically. Cells with an X cannot be an end of a snake.
Also see this example:
Difficulty: 4 stars
Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 6:00, Master = 8:30, Expert = 17:00
Solution: PDF and solving video.
Note: Follow this link for more Snake Pit puzzles. Follow these links for other Fillomino or Snake puzzles.