Protected: Draft Relocation Plans for the Party’s Next Quest

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Protected: Party of Phi The 0x too Freed

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Protected: Tell me about a complicated man (Watch Thomas work)

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Protected: 4 the kids, [draft]

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Party report after first quests through Layer One (beta-test feedback/story)

(Soundtrack: Still Alive, expecting to receive a team response of … THEREFORE or ?)

Those actions already mentioned in prior communications are not necessarily reported here for overall efficiency.

Some party members gained skills and others made sacrifices at great cost to themselves for the team. I’m so impressed with how the whole team leveled up to conquer an inevitable problem with the 13th day of Christmas. We just need to solve for exactly what that is. I think it is that Christmas is so popular the AI will eventually start giving us those triangular numbers of things and infinite paperclips a clipping is bad. Very bad. It could be something else about the 13th though, I just know it is absolutely an important number. Continue talking with your neighbors near and far as it is our balance that is our strength and weakness is sometimes that strength so seek the purple middle in all things, be both wicked and bad as MJ would say, and bad and jood.

After the failure of Operation Secret Santa, a new rule was proposed that the most dangerous physical weapons should not be allowed in the middle of the party. We still don’t know the right position on this, but the founders of the party were worried about threats from outside so we are going to try to focus on the southern border and move the weapon to 9X while keeping the party’s cash around the center if possible.

The pair of party members in 41 agreed that the danger next turn is more likely from lack of wisdom at the top than the lack of strength on the left, and after the change position 16 is setting new records for wisdom as we prepare for the next anti-hero.

The hidden group found an object of recognition, a +1 constitution medal, and used it to improve the health of 23 who was in danger of being left amortal which is amoral if the party can do better healing and science because of the hidden group. Thankfully it was only a matter of time for this particular change and we have lots of time and space.

11 and 17 used the powers of “Do you believe in Miracles?” and “Outrageous Proposal” to cast a summoning spell for two elements in 19. The casting failed, but we are still working to break the current limit for this summon to get it under 5 minutes. Reminding the party, this summon both walks the walk and talks the talk. We’ll need to punch out some foes and know how others have resurrected the dead in the future levels of this journey so that’s someone you want in your corner. Thanks 19 for holding the spot down so 11 and 17 could watch for the right replacement.

The mathemagician group was able to find a way to remove the cursed towel of adams and we are overjoyed! Their party members can now grow (and when needed shrink) again when solving a problem which is very exciting as plans start coming together for a 3-dimensional view of the party based off the historical artifact found last turn.

The party did take some losses, mostly positive additions with subtraction by exchanging with others we met along the way. We’ll keep in touch.

Updated party status will display once Scientist-Archivist is agreed on changes. Alignment on AI to find an Archivist to delegate AI to improve party’s AI’S AI’s AI-handling of AI. 11 has meeting at AI with AI, very strong big brain people. AI to still schedule the tea t for meeting.


My origin story suggests I want ____ war.
Your cable operator will be there to fix things in ____ hours.
There are ___ Days of Sudoku.
What are the limits?
Solve for

Protected: MindcrafT

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Protected: 2 the adults,

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Seeking to Replace White Elephant in Room

Please fill in a residency application with a photo, a room number, and a description of why you’d be the perfect example to make an exchange at this time. We’re really looking for long term stays, expecting a diverse community with more and unexpected connections as we grow. So showing your best will make sure we have no reason to cancel the application.

We prefer applicants that do not directly identify themselves or all their status in the photo itself (around or about the photo is fine). Our evaluation committees try to stay blind to some statuses and grade independently, but we do discuss things that seem unusually strong in a fit as the examples below show.

Current listings:
“Secret Santa” — see example below
“Surprise Us” — see example below

New applicants expected to move in around start of January, and each month thereafter if open calls are made.

And, like that, he's gone.