Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #91 – Tile Sudoku

Tile Sudoku by Thomas Snyder


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Theme: Greek Crosses

Rules: Standard Tile Sudoku rules.

Answer String: Enter the 5th row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 12th row from left to right.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 5:00, Master = 8:30, Expert = 17:00

Solution: PDF

  • skynet says:

    I am not having any luck with these Tile sudokus.I have not solved even one of them though i did try all including the example one.I want to be sure that i understand the rules correctly.If a cell comes in the line of attack of another cell(By extending the latter cell it could get into the area enclosed by the former cell)and both these cells are in different boxes,can they contain the same number or not???
    I have tried both ways and i m not getting any valid solution.

    • Aaron Chan says:

      If a cell is vertically or horizontally overlapping another cell, even if it is only partially, then they must contain different digits. For example, the 6 large cells in the top chute must contain 6 different digits. One thing I find very useful when doing tile sudoku is that if you have a X in row 2 of a column, then for the same chute, one of the large cells in row 3+4 must be also be X, and the other X in the same cute must be in row 1.

      For example, because of the 2 in the center box, we know that there must be a large 2 in either box IV’s bottom cell or box VI’s bottom cell. The 2 in box III rules out 1 of such option.

    • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

      I do not understand this question as you phrase it. But my answer will be the same as what I left on the first puzzle (#87) for you with three different tips for Tile Sudoku.

      The biggest thing here is that when a number belongs in a bigger cell (and is part of two rows or two columns or both two rows and two columns) it cannot be in any other cell in those rows or columns. Since you now have to fit 9 digits into 12 rows and 12 columns, you have to find a balance between big and small cells. Think of rows 1234. The digit 1 needs to be in two “small” and one “big” block for those rows. If you have a 1 in row 2 as a given clue. Then there is another small 1 in row 1, and a big 1 in rows 34. This and other starting clues I gave on #87 hopefully get you somewhere with Tile Sudoku in general.

  • skynet says:

    “If a cell is vertically or horizontally overlapping another cell, even if it is only partially, then they must contain different digits”
    “The biggest thing here is that when a number belongs in a bigger cell (and is part of two rows or two columns or both two rows and two columns) it cannot be in any other cell in those rows or columns”
    Thnks i have got it now.i tried the mentioned way upfront and i must have gone wrong somewhere which made me to think
    that cells which are bigger and common to 2 rows or columns may contain the same number.
    I will try again now .

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