Dismotivational Poster (1 of many): A mine is a terrible thing to waste…
Now that we’re approaching the end of the Twelve Days of Sudoku, I’m sure everyone is curious what went on / is going on / will go on with these puzzles. If I had not stopped blogging my thoughts (when I ended my livejournal) and continued thoughts + puzzles, would this amount of raw Snyder have felt less overwhelming? I consider the collected works in these last two weeks my best stuff in puzzles+creativity over the last decade, even if that required exposing more personal things in the making and doing that not everyone in the audience is ready to talk about yet.
For today’s extra post, we start with just a sketch of a fully completed but very weird puzzle idea like the Christmas Miracle I’d posted before the trip. I made this on the flights back to seeing my father in my childhood home, when watching Little Women on the in-flight screen was a bit too boring although something I knew I was supposed to do. If looking for places to start that should get you going with this puzzle series, consider standard puzzles, notes documents, motivational things. Ready Layer One on its own has two answers and with other content at least one more. No one has found any of those. For sure, do not start with this dismotivational poster. At least until I digitize it properly. Even then, here is a Knowledge Bomb squared: You aren’t ready for it.