Motivational Poster (2/4): Vox Populi, Vox Dei by Thomas Snyder

or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

(Thanks to FoxFireX for sharing an observation on this Latin phrase as being perfectly suited for a sudoku. While implemented differently here, FoxFireX will get a prize at the next leaderboard update for forecasting the future.)

  • LorenR says:

    Do not see how this is a valid XV Sudoku given the .V.V. in row two. More generally, I am somewhat confused by the content being posted these past few weeks (some sort of double secret multi-layered puzzle hunt). OTOH, this is listed as a Motivational Poster not a Puzzle (even though it is tagged with Sudoku) so maybe it was foolish to attempt to solve it. I assume that current subscribers are in on the joke (my subscription lapsed since there doesn’t appear to be an auto-renewal feature) and/or received more background prior to the start of this adventure and/or maybe this wasn’t supposed to be visible to non-subscribers…

    Loren (your long-time subscriber that accidentally fell off the wagon in 2024)

    • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

      Hi Loren, great having you back to try some unusual puzzles. The .v.v. might be a problem in a standard XV Sudoku but is that a problem here? There is a single unique answer if you can think of the right frame to get started.

      No prior subscription needed, and no inside joke, just an extra gift for this holiday season.

  • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

    To give some more layered hints (as at

    1. Lbh nera’g tvira nal ahzoref va guvf chmmyr, whfg yrggref. Jung qbrf vg zrna gb nqq/fhogenpg 5 be 10 sebz gurfr yrggref.

    2. Pna lbh svther bhg gur yrggre frg (lbh fgneg jvgu 7 bs gur 9) sebz fbzr bs gur ybatre punvaf bs KI glcr pyhrf orgjrra yrggref?

    3. Nybat qbvat guvf, lbh’yy vqragvsl bar yrggre jvgu ab cbgragvny KI cnegaref naq whfg yvxr 5 va n erthyne KI gung yrggre pna or dhvgr hfrshy va fbyivat.

    4. Gur svany fgrc vf gb svaq na rvtug yrggre jbeq/cuenfr, jvgu 4 sebz gur gbc va beqre naq 4 sebz gur obggbz va beqre nf pyhrq ol gur rkgreany neebjf.

  • LorenR says:

    Thank you for confirming that this is indeed a fair standalone puzzle. I should also note that I somehow missed Motivational Poster (1/4). Sorry I doubted it in such a cranky manner.

    As always, thank you for the wonderful logic puzzles that you provide. They are the best in the world!


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