Tell me about a complicated man (Watch Thomas work)

My gift tonight was saving this for about an hour of time. My gift for all the tomorrows is not caring about a solstice missed holiday when maybe just use an easter Sunday rule if the weeknd timing would the Sunday two weeks after the fourteenth of Septmer…

A single interesting comment, including, and especially from someone in Watertown MA area to which UPS decided to randomly redeliver one of three otherwise identical packages because Thomas Snyder is such an uncommon name at that time in history that when you have a box and (artifact recovered!) it says Thomas Snyder 12 Oxford St Box 311 Cambridge, MA clearly on two sides and the same physical truck presumably with same single person for delivery get 66% right and then throughs a hail mary with random Thomas Snyder and the Thomas Snyder the box was sent to not delivered to called to get a fix he was told only the sender of the box not the receiver of the box could make the request and I said are you sure, you can’t read, at least you haven’t proven it to me yet. so I have to call my X about the thing and she had to call them and they said they couldn’t make the check on the address for a week and so I decide, you know I do lots of running, thats about 4-5 miles both ones, one way with the box, and so it was now down to (A) does UPS have special time machine technology and just poor search so the delivery isn;t proben, or is it that they should be terminated. My ddecision has always been to cancel UPS, since they proved a D- = 66% across three tests sent simultaneously. The even cargo cult science could have been enough, because bringing me three coconuts is better than shit. just google it it wasn’t private, you leave 2 of the boxes, and deliver the third to the random was on the box and the so even a random Thomas Snyder, finding the Thread (hint on Threads)

— not meant to draft her e abte thread of threads and thinking is not mania. Not thinking is being zombies. 2025 is thinking of ways to do health care or moral execution on some zombies. Which of all the super heroes should I think about, or do I go to Hopkins?

Pick a stream channel and name, get it likes comments and subscribes. First interesting number becomes where the Truman Show starts when I want to be plugged in because I need these recordings and you just need to see how hard a genius has to work to get 5 more pennies.

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