Masyu by Grant Fikes

This symmetric Masyu by Grant Fikes features some areas with sets of three adjacent circles. In Masyu, there cannot be three or more adjacent black circles due to the rules, but the same restriction is not true for white circles.

Masyu by Grant Fikes


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools in linex mode where left click+drag draws lines and right click marks X’s)

Author/Opus: This is the 449th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Grant Fikes.

Rules: Standard Masyu rules.

Difficulty: 1 star

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 0:30, Master = 0:45, Expert = 1:30

Solution: PDF and solving animation.

Note: Follow this link for classic Masyu and this link for Masyu variations. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Masyu to get started on. More Masyu puzzles can be found in these books in our e-store.

Note 2: Comments on the blog are great! For a more interactive discussion, please also consider using our week-0-discussion thread on the GMPuzzles Discord. If you are not yet part of this Discord community, use this link.

  • David Olmsted says:

    If we have two Masyu for the week, why are they both easy? That does not seem ideal.

    • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

      We start the week on Monday with 1-2 star puzzles, so this is consistent with our usual posting. Masyu is also typically on the easier side with the submissions we see.

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