Sunday Update and Solutions

This past week of Nurikabe puzzles is collected in this PDF and the solutions are in this PDF. If you enjoyed these Nurikabe puzzles, you can find more in these ebooks in our store.

One update on our Penpa-edit archive project: all “classic” Star Battle puzzles are now digitized and available to solve online. We continue to add more genres from our archives to have an online solving mode, with Kurotto, classic Sudoku, and classic Star Battle now complete.

The daily solution videos are on the posts and linked below:

This upcoming week will feature Sudoku and variations.

  • Ken Crowell says:

    Thank for you the archive digitization efforts!

    Would it be possible to categorize/tag the posts that have Penpa-edit-enabled puzzles? It would be nice to be able to browse for older puzzles that can be done with Penpa-edit without having to remember which styles have been digitized to date.

    • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

      One way to do this now is to search for “beta test” or related terms which is on every post with a digital option; you can add other puzzles into the search too. When we have finished more of the archiving we will create new web flows that start from style pages rather than this blog.

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