Schedule for Next Week
Our most recent week of Sudoku puzzles and variations can be found in this PDF.
This week we have a variety mix of puzzles across genres from three of our grandmasters. The specific schedule is:
Monday: Statue Park by Murat Can Tonta
Tuesday: Skyscrapers by Serkan Yürekli
Wednesday: Fillomino by Grant Fikes
Thursday: Snake Pit by Serkan Yürekli
Friday: Minesweeper (Pentomino) by Murat Can Tonta
Saturday: Masyu (Giant) by Grant Fikes
Master+ subscribers to the site are getting a bonus Kurotto and a 258 Outside Sudoku, both by Prasanna Seshadri, as well as images of the puzzle solutions. Grandmaster subscribers are also getting a new e-book this week, the Minesweeper section of The Art of Puzzles 2, which will be released in our estore in a few weeks. If you want to become a subscriber and get access to bonus puzzles, solutions, e-books, and other rewards, check out this page.