Schedule for Next Week
Our most recent week focused on Pentominous puzzles can be found in this PDF.
We have a slight update to our schedule; the next regular week of puzzles, featuring Sudoku, will come next Sunday (and as a result we will not have any “gap weeks” as we continue with new puzzles for each of the next five weeks). This week, in place of the original Sudoku week, we will share a special Quintessence puzzle set from John Bulten which was a Sunday Surprise puzzle that grew into a full week’s experience. This starts over the next four days with four new shading puzzles/variations, building to a large challenge at the end of the week.
Does that mean we have to save the solutions to earlier puzzles to solve the last puzzle?
No, the puzzles are independent. However, things you learn by solving the early puzzles such as new heuristics or fundamental understanding of the rules will certainly help when the large combination puzzle is posted.