This is a puzzle-hunt style puzzle, prepared for an evening event at the World Puzzle Championship. There are no instructions; finding out what to do is part of the puzzle. Some UK cultural knowledge may be required.
Author/Opus: This is the 289th puzzle from Thomas Snyder, aka Dr. Sudoku.
Answer String: Enter the final answer of the puzzle in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS.
Solution: PDF
I had to use intuition and Google in lieu of UK cultural knowledge but it was still fun. There are a couple things on the paper whose significance eludes me but I got a checkmark so I guess that’s okay.
I managed to figure all the lines in… fairly short order. With the exception of one.
Jung vf gur gvgyr? V tbg Gbz’f olyvar, ohg “fbzrguvat pbaarpg” vfa’g yrncvat bhg ng zr.
Gur vpbabtencul pbzrf sebz n Oevgvfu tnzr fubj gung V uvtuyl erpbzzraq (ng yrnfg gur rneyl frnfbaf bs).
Stumped as to how to get started. Could you provide a hint?
Hint 1: Rirelguvat va guvf chmmyr vf zvffvat ibjryf (n, r, v, b, h).
Hint 2: Gurer ner fvk frgf bs sbhe guvatf. Rnpu nafjre va n tebhc vf n havdhr yratgu naq svgf vagb gur frpbaq furrg gb tvir lbh n zrffntr.
Hint 3: Gur pngrtbevrf vaibyir gjb frevrf bs obbxf, bar frg bs fcbegf grnzf, bar frg bs zhfvpny tebhcf, n frg bs gryrivfvba cebtenzzrf, naq n jnl gb trg nebhaq Ybaqba.
Hint 4: Gur svany zrffntr vf n frevrf bs guerr crbcyr; jub pbzrf sbhegu?
A little difficult for a non-native speaker, but with a little help from google it was very fun to decode, I stayed up later than I should have to finish this 😉