LITS by John Bulten

LITS by John Bulten

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or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: GRANDMASTER (see region shapes)

Author/Opus: This is the 19th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster John Bulten.

Rules: Standard LITS rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:30, Master = 5:00, Expert = 10:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other classic LITS. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest LITS to get started on. More LITS puzzles can be found in LOTS O’ LITS by Grant Fikes and Prasanna Seshadri and in The Art of Puzzles 2.

TomTom by Grant Fikes

TomTom by Grant Fikes


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Spinner

Author/Opus: This is the 225th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Grant Fikes.

Rules: Standard TomTom rules, using the integers 1-6.

Answer String: Enter the 3rd row from left to right followed by the 4th row from left to right. Separate the entries with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 1:45, Master = 3:00, Expert = 6:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other classic TomTom. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest TomTom to get started on.

Numberlink by Serkan Yürekli

Numberlink by Serkan Yürekli


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools in linex mode where left click+drag draws lines and right click marks X’s)

Theme: Clue Symmetry (and Logic)

Author/Opus: This is the 140th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Serkan Yürekli.

Rules: Connect each pair of identical numbers with a path passing through edge-adjacent cells. No cell may be used on more than one path.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of the horizontal line segments from left to right in the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 1:00, Master = 1:30, Expert = 3:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Loop/Path puzzles.

Schedule for Next Week

The most recent week of puzzles featuring the “even rows/columns” constraint can be found in this PDF.

This week features a variety mix of mostly classical puzzle styles from six of our puzzlemasters.

Monday: Numberlink by Serkan Yürekli
Tuesday: TomTom by Grant Fikes
Wednesday: LITS by John Bulten
Thursday: Tapa by Prasanna Seshadri
Friday: Consecutive Pairs Sudoku by Thomas Snyder
Saturday: Statue Park by Murat Can Tonta

Our supporters will also be receiving a bonus Fillomino by Murat Can Tonta, access to puzzle solutions, and a video walkthrough of the Saturday puzzle. If you’d like to receive some of these special rewards, please click here for more info.

Pentominous by Grant Fikes [Bonus]

Our subscribers receive access to bonus puzzles each week. We make these posts so those supporters have a space to comment on these puzzles, mark as FAVES, or log their solving. If you are interested in subscribing, click here for more info.

Pentominous by Grant Fikes

Theme: Clue Symmetry and Logic

Author/Opus: This is the 224th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Grant Fikes.

Rules: Standard Pentominous rules.

Answer String: Enter the letter associated with the pentomino occupying each cell in the marked rows from left to right, separating the groups with a comma. Use CAPITAL LETTERS!

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:45, Master = 4:00, Expert = 8:00

Note: Follow this link for other Pentominous puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Pentominous to get started on.

Minesweeper (Even Rows/Columns) by Serkan Yürekli

Minesweeper by Serkan Yürekli


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools. Use left click to place mine, right click (in cell) to mark unused, right click (on edge/corner) to mark a note; hitting tab will also enable a shading mode. If you want more solving options, turn off Penpa-Lite option.)

Theme: Clue Symmetry and Logic

Author/Opus: This is the 139th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Serkan Yürekli.

Rules: Place a mine into some of the empty cells so that each number represents the total count of mines in neighboring cells, including diagonally adjacent cells. Also, an even number of mines must be placed in each row and in each column.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each group of consecutive cells with mines from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 10:30, Master = 15:00, Expert = 30:00

Solution: PDF; a solution video is available here.

Nanro (Even Rows/Columns) by Prasanna Seshadri

Nanro by Prasanna Seshadri


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use the tab key to alternate between shading and number entry modes)

Theme: Clue Symmetry and Logic

Author/Opus: This is the 137th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Prasanna Seshadri.

Rules: Standard Nanro rules. Also, an even number of cells must be filled with a number in each row and in each column.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the segments labeled with numbers from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 7:30, Master = 9:30, Expert = 19:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Nanro variations and this link for classic Nanro. If you are new to this puzzle type, please first try out our easiest Nanro to get started.

Yajilin (Even Rows/Columns) by Murat Can Tonta

Yajilin by Murat Can Tonta


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Clue Symmetry and Logic

Author/Opus: This is the 50th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Murat Can Tonta.

Rules: Standard Yajilin rules. Also, an even number of cells must be blackened in each row and in each column.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of the horizontal loop segments from left to right in the marked rows, starting at the top. If the loop only has vertical segments in the marked row, enter 0. Separate each row’s entry with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 5:00, Master = 7:30, Expert = 15:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other variations of Yajilin and this link for classic Yajilin. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Yajilin to get started on.

Cave (Even Rows/Columns) by Murat Can Tonta

Cave by Murat Can Tonta


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to shift between shading mode and the linex mode where left click+drag draws lines and right click marks X’s)

Theme: Clue Symmetry and Logic

Author/Opus: This is the 49th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Murat Can Tonta.

Rules: Standard Cave rules. Also, an even number of cells in each row and in each column must be inside the cave.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the cave segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:15, Master = 6:30, Expert = 13:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Cave variations and this link for other classic Caves. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Cave Puzzles to get started on.

Slitherlink (Even Rows/Columns) by Serkan Yürekli

Slitherlink by Serkan Yürekli


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools in edgex mode where left click+drag draws lines and right click marks X’s)

Theme: Clue Symmetry and Logic

Author/Opus: This is the 138th puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Serkan Yürekli.

Rules: Standard Slitherlink rules. Also, an even number of cells in each row and in each column must be inside the loop.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the internal loop segments following the arrows for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:30, Master = 6:15, Expert = 12:30

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Slitherlink variations and this link for classic Slitherlink. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Slitherlink puzzles to get started on.