Pentominous by Grant Fikes
or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between a composite mode for line/edge drawing and a letter entry mode.)
Theme: Logical
Author/Opus: This is the 193rd puzzle from our contributing puzzlemaster Grant Fikes.
Rules: Standard Pentominous rules.
Answer String: Enter the letter associated with the pentomino occupying each cell in the marked rows from left to right or from top to bottom, separating the groups with a comma. Use CAPITAL LETTERS!
Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:45, Master = 4:00, Expert = 8:00
Solution: PDF
Note: Follow this link for other Pentominous puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Pentominous to get started on.
This puzzle is just so great.
Really loved how the NVX corner worked out, and how the LX and PF corners built up the right side of the puzzle. One of those typically great Pentominous puzzles from Grant, where I was already mentally crafting a comment during the solve..
..until I hit a wall that I haven’t been able to get past, after a few days of repeatedly coming back to it with fresh eyes.
I hope this is OK to post here, here is where I’m stuck, can anyone help me find the next logical step that I’m missing? (partially-filled spoiler)
Arvgure J/S bcgvba sbe gur ybjre yrsg cvrpr vf rnfvyl ehyrq bhg.. Vf vg gelvat bhg nyy gur cynprzragf bs gur C? V frr 5; 1 rnfvyl vainyvq, 1 vainyvq nsgre ybbxvat nurnq 2-3 sbeprq cynprzragf, gura V trg qvffhnqrq ol gbb znal bcgvbaf nsgre gung.
Jura V trg gb n fvghngvba jvgu gbb zhpu gevny & reebe, V hfhnyyl arrq gb fgrc onpx naq svaq n qvssrerag qrqhpgvba V’z zvffvat, be na reebe V znqr ryfrjurer. Jbhyq ybir gb svavfu guvf chmmyr jvgu gur fnzr rkpvgrzrag V fgnegrq vg jvgu, nal uvagf?
It was a bit close to trial and error for me (I had to try drawing it), but lbh pna fvzhygnarbhfyl pbafvqre nyy 3 C cbfvgvbaf gung sbepr gur ybjre yrsg gb or na S, naq gura gel gb cynpr gur obggbz.
Thanks Philip, with your suggestion I was able to reason out:
– Vs gur E6P5 C rkgraqf qbja 1 pryy gb E7P5, gur bayl jnl gung C funcr jbhyq svg vf vs vg nyfb rkgraqf nabgure pryy gb gur evtug naq gnxrf E7P6.
– Guvf sbeprf gur S vagb E8P5, naq gura gurer vf gebhoyr jvgu E(9,10)P5. Vs gurl ner cneg bs gur fnzr cvrpr, gurl ner n H be C gung gbhpurf nabgure bs vgf glcr, naq vs gurl nera’g, gurer’f abg rabhtu fcnpr gb svg 2 cvrprf sebz gurer.
– Fb gur C qbrfa’g pbaarpg gb E7P5, naq gura gur bayl jnl gb cynpr vg vf gb cbvag gur C’f abfr gbjneqf gur K. Gur gbc ertvba pryy pbhag sbeprf gur H gb gur evtug, naq gura gurer ner znantrnoyr fznyyre ertvbaf gb jbex bhg zber rnfvyl.
Thanks again Grant for a really fun puzzle!