YVGF ol Tenag Svxrf

YVGF ol Tenag Svxrf


Gurzr: Fcbvyre-serr

Nhgube/Bchf: Guvf vf gur 166gu chmmyr sebz bhe pbagevohgvat chmmyrznfgre Tenag Svxrf.

Ehyrf: Fgnaqneq YVGF ehyrf (jneavat: yvax znl pbagnva fcbvyref!).

Nafjre Fgevat: Ragre gur yratgu va pryyf bs rnpu bs gur funqrq frtzragf sebz yrsg gb evtug sbe gur znexrq ebjf, fgnegvat ng gur gbc. Frcnengr rnpu ebj’f ragel sebz gur arkg jvgu n pbzzn.

Gvzr Fgnaqneqf (uvtuyvtug gb ivrj): Tenaqznfgre = 4:00, Znfgre = 5:15, Rkcreg = 10:30

Fbyhgvba: CQS

Abgr: Sbyybj guvf yvax sbe bgure pynffvp YVGF. Vs lbh ner arj gb guvf chmmyr glcr, urer ner bhe rnfvrfg YVGF gb trg fgnegrq ba.

  • Mnpunel says:

    N irel avpr chmmyr. Abg bireyl qvssvphyg, naq V rawblrq gur ybtvpny sybj bs vg. Guvf vf gur svefg gvzr V’z pbzzragvat ba bar bs lbhe chmmyrf, ohg V pbhyqa’g erfvfg chggvat va zl bja nqqvgvba gb gur gurzr.

  • QbgChm says:

    Irel vagrerfgvat, Tenag! Cresrpg sbe na Ncevy Sbbyre… naq V fgvyy unira’g fbyirq vg. Naljnl, fvapr guvf vf n Ebg13 Chmmyr, V unq n yvggyr gvzr jbaqrevat jurgure gb hfr LITS be YVGF, ohg V tbg gur yrnq gung gur chmmyr bayl znxrf frafr qrpbqrq, naq qrpbqrq vg vf YVGF.

    Gunaxf sbe gur punyyratr!

  • Pney J says:

    A totally hilarious theme, Grant! And quite clever of you to get your initials into the puzzle like that. (Though, I suppose Thomas has been doing that for ages with all of those LITS-themed LITS that everyone seems to make.) The solve was quite smooth for me other than the one time I broke it with a silly mistake.

    PS. Since people seem to be throwing around rot-13 like crazy here, I thought that some readers might decode my message out of habit. To avoid anyone doing that and accidentally seeing any spoilers in my message, I’ve taken the extra precaution of applying rot-13 twice here. So you’ll need to rot-13 decode twice to read this…

  • skynet says:

    13:13.Nice puzzle

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