Schedule for Next Week
All the puzzles from last week have been grouped in this PDF. While we don’t like breaking the rules too often, we hope you enjoyed last week’s “Oddities”. Even the bonus puzzle, the “Nothing Odd Going On Here” Slitherlink, was quite twisted in its execution.
Next week will focus on one of our favorite puzzle types: Fillomino and variations. Puzzles will be by Grant Fikes, Prasanna Seshadri, and Serkan Yürekli. The bonus puzzle will also be from that category, and if our high-level supporters haven’t had their Fillia of puzzles yet, there will be an extra large and rather incredible puzzle sent out by Grant Fikes as well.
It has become my habit to binge on the whole week of puzzles the day they appear via Patreon. (I think I am not alone, and it possibly reduces comments on individual puzzles. Ah well.)
Fillomino variants are one of my favorite puzzle types. This selection did not disappoint, and includes several enjoyable variations I had not seen before even in e.g. Palmer Mebane’s puzzle pack (which I never tire of recommending:
Thank you!