Schedule for Next Week

All the puzzles from the last Variety week have been grouped in this PDF.

This coming week may make some of you very happy. For the second time in the site’s history, the whole week will be Sudoku and variations. We’ve put together some really incredible puzzles, but many of them are harder than their normal weekly spots so watch out for unexpected tricks.

The bonus puzzle this week for our high-level supporters is a Cave puzzle by Thomas Snyder; we’ve now crossed over 50 Grandmaster level supporters which is a great accomplishment as we close in our the first group milestone goal.

  • Giovanni P. says:

    Congrats on getting so much support from people for the site–if GM Puzzles keeps putting out high-quality puzzles, you can be sure that those goals will be met sooner rather than later.

    I had a question/suggestion: Have you considered adding bonus puzzles from previous months to the store once that gets up and running? I say this because it might give a chance for people who become patrons later on to see and solve bonuses they missed out on, especially if the puzzle gets a good bit of praise. This might not be a bad idea for the extra-large puzzles too, so more people get to see puzzles like last month’s.

    • Avatar photo drsudoku says:

      The “bonus” puzzles may appear in some purchasable form at the end of the year; the clearest plans at the moment are for the extra-large bonus puzzles which, based on an idea from Grant, will form a 2015 Puzzle Calendar.

  • skynet says:

    Great.This indeed makes me happy.

  • edderiofer says:

    Oh no, not Fhqbxh naq inevngvbaf… Considering that I don’t have a printer, and don’t want to use MS Paint for such puzzles, I guess that’s a full week of not visiting GMPuzzles then.

  • Deanna says:

    This is the best week ever! Maybe I’m boring, but I think a week of sudoku variations sounds awesome. (hoping for a Thermo or a Tile in there somewhere)

  • Steve Barge says:

    I became a patron last week – how do I get my hands on the bonus puzzle? Or does it take a while to kick in?

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