Schedule for Next Week
All the puzzles from the last week of Masyu and Slitherlink have been grouped in this PDF. If you enjoyed these styles, you will soon be able to get an e-book of Masyu and Slitherlink, the second released part of The Art of Puzzles that our high-level supporters already have.
Next week will be another variety week with these puzzles (highlight to view):
Monday: TomTom by Grant Fikes
Tuesday: Battleships by Thomas Snyder
Wednesday: Tapa (Borders) by Serkan Yürekli
Thursday: Sudoku by Thomas Snyder
Friday: Yajilin by Grant Fikes
Saturday: Fillomino by Prasanna Seshadri
The bonus puzzle for our high-level supporters will be a Cross the Streams by Grant Fikes.
“If you enjoyed these styles, you will soon be able to get an e-book of Masyu and Slitherlink, the second released part of The Art of Puzzles that our Grandmaster patrons already have.”
As a special offer, owners of this Masyu and Slitherlink e-book will get a Tapa puzzle absolutely free! There has never been a better time to buy a Masyu and Slitherlink e-book than now! I mean, whenever it gets released!
And what a mindboggling Tapa it was 😉
How about those of us who are already on patrons? Do we get the Tapa as well?
Aaron Chan, I will do everything in my power to ensure that everyone who gets the Masyu/Slitherlink puzzle pack, via patronage or otherwise, gets to see this beautiful Tapa I wrote.
To Aaron (and others who may be confused by Grant’s unsolicited and playful messages):
Everyone who purchases a copy of the book, and this includes all patrons who have already received a copy of the book, have gotten the full set of puzzles intended for the Masyu/Slitherlink section. There is nothing you or Grant or anyone else needs to do to be sure that they get the full experience of The Art of Puzzles after purchase (besides, of course, solving the puzzles).
Oh, THAT Tapa. I like my Masyu better.
That was an excellent Tapa o_O